Chapter 13

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The whole ride home, I fidgeted in my seat as I drove, getting more and more anxious by the second. Of course, whenever I'm in a hurry to get home, I get caught by every single red light on the way. They seemed eternal, increasing my nerves each second that they delayed my arrival home. I knew that if I got home after my mom did, I was done for. There was a time when my mom was very lenient, but over time, my mom has hardened into a women who walks a very straight line, not tolerating anything that does not follow the rules.

After what seemed like years later, I finally pulled up to the driveway of my house. I glanced at the driveway, and noticed that only my father's car was parked there, which meant my mother wasn't home yet. By a sliver of sheer luck I had made it.

I hopped out of car, quickly heading over to open the front door of the house. Just as I place my hand on the doorknob to turn it, the front door swings open, almost smacking me in the face.

"Kaylee! Your home!" My father greets, completely unaware that he had almost broken my nose.

"Hi Dad," I give him a small wave, still recovering from my near death experience. My dad stands there at the doorway, rocking back and forth between the front of his feet and his heels, a habit that Hunter had inherited. In fact, Hunter had pretty much inherited everything from my father, he was the spitting image of him. From his tall build to his smile, Hunter was a young version of my father. Everything except for the green eyes, a trait Hunter and I both got from our mother. Instead, my dad's eyes were a warm, brown shade, rimmed by glasses.

"Are you going anywhere?" I ask him, while he stands there blocking the front entrance.

"What? Oh, yeah I was just gonna go run some errands," he replies, making his way around me, unblocking the entrance. I snake my way around him through the door, my hand already on the handle ready to close it.

"Kaylee?" My dad asks, just as the door is about to shut.


"Why are you so late?" He questions, not in a strict manner, but rather with curiosity.

"I was with some friends, we got a little caught up," I explain, glancing at my fingers, not making eye contact with him.

"Oh," he responds, no hint of anger in his voice, "Well, just try to get home a little earlier. You know how mom gets." He gives me an understanding smile, and heads over to his car, pulling out of the driveway moments later.

I finally enter the house, setting my backpack down and making a beeline to the pantry. It was well past dinner time, and I needed food.

I open the pantry door, and I suffer a near death experience for the second time today, this time from a heart attack. I am met with Hunter standing directly in front of me from inside the pantry, pigging out on some chips. I back away and gasp, frightened out of my mind. Hunter stands in the pantry, an indifferent look on his face as he munches away on the chips.

"Hey Kaylee," he says nonchalantly, putting more chips into his mouth.

"Oh my God," I pant, grabbing onto the counter for support, "what are you doing!?"

"Eating," he replies, his facial expression unchanging.

"Uh huh, ok." I nod my head slowly, still not fully understanding why he had to be locked in a pantry. I push past him, looking up and down at the food to see what I could make that required little effort on my part.

"That sweater is a little big on you don't ya think?" He says, taking a seat by the island.

I look down at what I am wearing, and I remember that I am still wearing Ashton's sweater. It was huge on me, Ashton easily towered over me, for I am a rather short person. It was weird, my brother was so tall, he had easily outgrown me once he turned 13, and I stopped growing in 8th grade and only reached 5 foot 4, tiny in comparison to my brother, and even smaller compared to Ashton. The sweater practically engulfed my small frame, but it was incredibly comfy.

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