Chapter 6

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I'm not an angry person. Moody yes, somewhat antisocial yes, irritated easily, yes. But I seldom lose my temper.

I don't remember the last time I have been this angry. I stomped off to my next class, but my mind was so clouded by my emotions I had no idea where I was heading. My blood started to boil, my fists were clenched into fists. I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself down, but to no prevail.

God, why had that boy gotten to me this way?
I don't know if it was that I'm angry, or if I'm downright embarrassed. I pride myself in having a tough shell, not letting anyone get to me. But the boy's harsh words cut right through me, and it fucking hurt. After a couple of seconds of cursing the boy out under my breath, I start regaining some of my composure, enough of it to remember where I was heading. By the time I reach the language hall, I had calmed down tremendously, but the memory of the boy mocking me was still gnawing at the back of my head. As I entered the Spanish classroom, I instantly recognized the light brown floppy hair, and the radiant smile from across the room. The boy's mocking was instantly pushed to the back of my mind, and all my previous anger melted away.

Ashton was sitting on a desk against the back window, lazily leaning against it with one leg stretched out in front of him and the other propped on the desk near him. He was wearing glasses, and if I'm being perfectly honest, no one has ever pulled glasses off so well. He's in deep conversation with a friend of his, a tall raven haired boy whom I hadn't seen before. The boy says something to Ashton, causing him to throw his head back and laugh, a genuine laugh that involves his whole body, his eyes crinkling with sheer happiness that spreads across the room. Ashton's happiness is contagious, and I can't help but smile. In the midst of his laughing fit, he spots me, and his eyes flash in recognition as his lips curl into an even bigger smile.

"Kaylee!" He exclaims, pushing himself off the desk and tumbling towards me.

"Hey!" I reply, almost overwhelmed with happiness radiating off of Ashton. It's such a sheer contrast to my mood just moments ago.

"I didn't know you were in this class!" He says, surprise evident in his hazel eyes.

"Well now you know," I say, a nervous chuckle escaping my lips. I start twisting at the ring on my finger, a nervous habit I've had for a long time.

"Yeah, and now you can help me out with Spanish too. Trust me, I'm gonna need it," he says with a wink. I roll my eyes and open my mouth to tell him that I'm sure he is fully capable of doing Spanish on his own, but I'm interrupted by the Spanish teacher walking into the classroom.

"Hola chicos, soy Señora Rodriguez, please take a seat so we can get class started," she says, as I start walking over to a vacant seat near the middle of the classroom. I suddenly feel a tug on my arm, and I notice Ashton is leading me over to the desk he was sitting on top of earlier.

"Sit next to me?" He asks, even though he knows I wouldn't move all the way over there again.

I sigh dramatically, "I dont know, that seat over there looks a lot more comfortable," I say, and he rolls his eyes at me playfully.

"C'mon, you know you want to," he says, patting the seat next to him.

I sigh in mock defeat and situate myself next to him.

"I knew you couldn't stay away from me," he giggles and I swat at his arm lightly.

"Oh please, you practically dragged me over here. Not a good tactic to get a girls attention," I tease, and he leans across his desk to get closer.

"But it worked didn't it?" He grins and my stomach flutters.

I look up at the ceiling as if contemplating my answer,
"Eh, I give your move a solid 4 and a half," I say and Ashton's hand moves to his heart as he gasps in mock shock.

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