**4 Letter Word- A lot**

9 1 0

Panicked and not entirely in control of my higher reasoning. I acted out of instinct. I kicked him as hard as I could. That however seemed to have effect on him. 

His face was unreadable, but he held out his hands in what apparently seemed to be a calming gesture, like I was a rabid animal he was planning to sedate. 

"I'm not going to hurt you any more than-"

I attacked him yet again, leaping out in an offensive maneuver I hadn't used in two years, not since my best friend died. 

The move was stupid, another reaction born of instinct and fear. And it was hopeless. He was tough. 

And man, was he fast. I h'd forgotten how fast some inhuman people could be. He knocked me off as though brushing away a fly, and he slammed into me and sent me backwards. I don't think he meant to strike that hard-probably just intended to keep me away - but my lack of co-ordination interfered with my ability to respond. Unable to catch my footing, I started to fall, heading straight towards the floor at a twisted angle, hip first. It was going to hurt. 

A lot

Only it didn't.

Just as quickly as he'd blocked me, the man reached out and caught my arm, keeping me upright. When I'd steadied myself, I noticed he was staring at me- or more precisely at my wrist. Still disoriented I didn't get it right away. Then slowly my free hand reached up to my other hand and lightly touched the faded scars and the fresh cut that had shrunk in size. 

Embarassed I turned my body sideways. They guys dark eyes then met mine. I returned his look and quickly jerked out of his hold. He let me go, though I knew he could have restrained me all night if he'd wanted. Fighting the nauseated dizziness, I backed towards Door again bracing myself for another attack. 

It never came. 

Sensing my resignation, the man stepped forward, turning his attention to the door which had just opened forcing me to stand straight. 

My parents looked startled to see him. It was as if they knew him. He swept my parents a bow and managed to look graceful doing it, which surprised me considering his height. 

"It's about time", he said in a deep husky voice. His eyes sparkled like a diamond under the mercury light. I could hear a faint british accent that I had not caught earlier. 

Then he looked at me. "I've come to take you back to where you belong." 

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