Authors Note

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Guys, I know, I hate authors notes too. Every time I get to one, I just skip, I hate 'em. But this is a really important short one. I think I'm going to make the chapters shorter, so that I can update more often. Now, this doesn't mean there won't be any more long ones, or that they'll be extra short, it's just I'll cut them in half. Right now, the average words in my story are 2000+. So now I guess it'll be 1000+. Also, I may not even cut them short sometimes. It just depends on the day really. Anyways, please please please please please, leave a comment if you feel like something is wrong or if you have any ideas. I'm open. I will have a thing to where I'll add in one person. Just leave the description and your preferred association with the story, and I'll choose. Love you guys soo much for reading my story and hopefully this authors note.


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