Chapter 4

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She's strange, regardless.

Sasuke pulls out a cigarette and places it between his lips while pulling a lighter out from his pocket. He lightened the tip and sighed deeply, looking up at the clear sky. It was so quiet and peaceful out here and it always will be without any doubts since he's the only one who comes here out often whenever he wants to clear his mind or take a break for a while.

He was in deep thought. Ever since that girl went to his office, he just doesn't know what would happen next. He just feels odd for some reason. He just doesn't know why. He started to suck air into his mouth, holding the smoke there for a second, then he inhaled normally, through his mouth, drawing the smoke--which has now cooled, into his lungs.

Hell, this asshole didn't even say shit to that weird-eyed girl on what to do in the office. What if she touches his things? What if she finds something--

There are condoms there inside one of the drawers. Oh, also a bottle of lube.

Sasuke leaned against the wall behind him and smirked. He could care less about anything right now. He basically cares about nothing. When was he interested in such a thing? Yeah, sure, he has everything. But, the things he has are just so fucking usele--

"Hn," he threw his cigar on to the ground and stomped his foot down against it. "She has this accent though.", he murmured to himself, changing his thoughts. He thinks her accent is weird but very pleasant to hear. He shoved his hands inside his pockets and looked down. "I swore I saw 'kaa-san earlier though when Hinata came in.", he exhaled and untangled his necktie against his neck.

He's just gonna stay here out a bit longer.


"Kuso," he cursed to himself as he returned to the office. It was just about time for break. He was just looking for that weird-eyed girl, which is his assistant, which he couldn't stop thinking off, and which he finds her weird, right now. He scanned around the office with his eyes and he caught a figure just sitting down, minding its own business while checking papers and writing a report at the same time.

She knows how to multitask? Sasuke smirked slightly and tilted his head. That's not bad. But why---- is she wearing earphones?!

Sasuke frowned and stared at the girl, who haven't even noticed his presence, and stomped his way to his desk, not keeping his eyes off her. He thought she was weird. Now, she's getting weirder. She started wiggling her body without showing any shame as she held the papers up high, shutting her eyes closed and humming, as her other hand busied writing down reports. She, then, focused against the computer screen as she placed her hand down, dropping the papers and adjusted her glasses, later on playing with pen on her hand by twiddling as if she was showing off at a competition with skills.

Is she fucking insane?

"Mm," she tilted her head side to side. She is actually in a good mood today. She dropped her pen against the table and swirled around against her chair, giggling. She, then, paused as she saw a man glaring at her from across the room, tapping his fingers against the desk. She let out a small gasp and immediately pulled her earphones out and gave out an awkward cough. She really thought she was alone. While he was gone, she even salsa-d around the room.

"Ehem, um,"

Now you've noticed?

"I-I," her face started to blush red in embarrassment. She looked down at her lap and started shaking her foot slightly. She couldn't even bare to look up at him right now, it's too embarrassing and the way he looks at her is just too intimidating- unlike Mikoto's, her looks and stares are so soft and warming. While this one, right here, who's the CEO of this building and who's sitting just across the room, looking like an asshole just glares daggers against everything and towards anyone is just simply scary. Scary!

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