Chapter 10

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Hinata was still laying in bed, drowning in her thoughts. Her arm over forehead and her eyes looking up at the ceiling.

Soon, she hears knocking. She didn't dare reply. She was simply tired and she just simply didn't want to speak to anyone.

"Hyūga," a guy's voice says. She shifted and started to cough intentionally. She felt the presence of the guy coming closer. She sniffles and started coughing up some more. She doesn't want anyone to take a step closer to her. She wouldn't mind if that guy- or anyone would just stand a meter away. She just doesn't feel like talking to anyone- not even her father, not anyone. She wasn't in the mood.

Her cough started to get real and uncontrollable. She now tried her best to stop herself from coughing-

"Oi," something poked her.

Raising an eyebrow but still coughing, she got carried to make her sit up. A little shocked, she glanced at the glass of water handed to her, not seeing who just gave it to her. She quickly grabbed it and chugged down some warm water.

Ah, fresh.

After taking small gulps, she instantly placed her glass down her table. She stared blankly against the wall in front of her, forgetting that she had company. She sighs and looks up, realizing she's still in the school clinic.


"Y-Yeah, yeah," she said and burped, "you may leave now."

The Hyūga just couldn't think straight. She just felt numb. Just imagine yourself drowning with thoughts- anxiety and insecurities to be specific. This happens very often to her and she definitely doesn't like it. She may be used to it because she didn't get any breaks, but hey, that doesn't mean she isn't hurt when she thinks like this.

Overthinking... overthinking... o-ver-thin-king.

Her chin got lifted up after a moment of silence, gasping, her eyes met onyx ones. She bit her bottom lip and blinked.

Once. Twice.


"A-Ah! U-Uchiha-s-san!" Hinata squealed slightly and bowed, making the Uchiha chuckle.

"Greetings. Feeling better now?"

It was Itachi Uchiha all along and y-yet I just did something so honestly r-rude.

Hinata face-palmed and nodded, pressed her back against the bed post, remembering how she just ignored Itachi when he gave her a glass of water. She sighed and shut her eyes closed, feeling Itachi's stare at her (not in a creepy way), she returned her own gaze as she lifted her face up at him.



"Th-Thank you." Hinata said her thanks with a slight bow again.

Looking at Itachi, it made her think instantly that he looks like Sasuke- well that's because they're obviously brothers but it doesn't change the fact that at the same time, Itachi is far different from Sasuke.

Too close and yet, too far.

She could clearly see the difference. Not from the appearance though- well, some, but you could point out the obvious by saying she's talking about how different their personas are. Itachi seems like a good person who'd just respect anyone no matter what level they are of age and mentality. While on the other hand, Sasuke Uchiha, seems and is a rude, cussing, tomato that just disrespects you unless you're one of his family member or Sakura. That's how Hinata sees it.


"A-Ah," she bit her lip and clutched against the sheets, "y-you know, giving me a j-job. I actually like b-being responsible since I-I got used to i-it but finding a job w-wasn't easy."

"I see," Itachi crossed his arms and nodded, "it wasn't a hassle. But hey, aren't you from the Hyūgas-"

"I-I'm but I don't w-want to act all r-rich and spoiled, if y-you know what I-I'm thinking."

I don't want to live a life that is just easy. Easy doesn't give you a golden reward but just a silver coin with a little knowledge and wiseness. Taking things the hard way with some methods and expressions could help you gain a lot of learnings and a whole lot of knowledge as you walk to the path with what's planned. Goals are-

"G-Goals are set up t-to aim h-higher and is a p-promise to do whatever y-you can to reach them, n-no matter how hard i-it'll be because you have faith on your-yourself," Hinata spoke out her thoughts and looked at Itachi, smiling, "another r-reason why I-I'm working with you in y-your company is a-also because I-I want to experience h-how normal people live- so simple yet, complicated i-in some parts of their l-lives."

Itachi was listening carefully on what she had and what needed to be said. He got a hint of motivation and starvation to work harder- and for a young girl like her who's still attending some classes while having a part-time job isn't easy at all. He's surprised that she's actually one of those people who'd want to take responsibility for her own and only for herself. At least she could think of herself sometimes, right?

"B-But," Hinata's smile faded and looked down again, "I bow my head c-constantly even when I-I tell myself i-it's okay."

Those times I've been through.
Depression. Anxiety. Stress.

Itachi looked at her, confused but said nothing. This girl, in front of him just told him something about motivation and now she's acting all sad.

A sick-minded, drunken state of oblivion, perhaps?

Itachi lifted his hand up and tapped her shoulder, resting it there, in response of her surprised face. Itachi let out a small sigh, "I-"

He paused. Not knowing what to say.

Anything at all at least?

"I... don't know what you're dealing with," that's the sad part. No one understands her. "But I know and trust it'll all be over soon, okay?" Itachi stood up and patted her shoulder before turning his back to her.

How will you know that, Uchiha-san?

Itachi walked towards the door and said something before he left, leaving Hinata.

Hinata clutched the sheets tighter as she felt a little of her tears streaming down slowly.

"Things aren't always permanent when it comes to negativity. I believe in you especially after that motivation talk we had. Feel better soon, Hyūga."


Hola hola!

I'm back! It has been a while, yes. I'm sorry for cutting it short there! I have exams to answer tomorrow and I just had the motivation to type down a chapter before I leave one again and make y'all wait for years.

Jk, I'm over-exaggerating. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story, leave a like and a comment! I'll fix some errors when I have the time because I was being hasty and it's waaaaaaaayy past my bed time and I honestly am sleepy. :(

Before I go and forget, I just wanna say go check out the SasuHina stories of the lovely writer, @_babii_ninii ! LivingLIFEas_a_Queen  sorry it took a while for me to mention T^T


Yanyan-chan is out!!! Swwwooooosshhhh!

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