Judal x Hakuryuu - My sick king

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It was so warm today that the people at the Kou Empire almost couldn't believe it had been so cold and rainy over the last few weeks. Everyone had went outside because of the beautiful sunny weather.... well.... quiet everyone. If you listen very closely you could hear someone's footsteps, not too far from a certain room.

He was worried because his king vessel hadn't come out of the bedroom yet. This was pretty unusual for the blue haired prince, who mostly woke up as soon as the sun started to rise . Then he finally was at Hakuryuu's bedroom door. Pushing a few strands of his incredible long hair out of his face he softly knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds. No answer. He did it once again, knocking harder this time. Still no answer.

Judal slowly pushed the door open and whispered a soft "Hakuryuu?," into the room. The room was all dark with all the curtains down and no light on. When his eyes had finally gotten used to the darkness Judal stepped inside the room, closed the door behind him before opening the curtains just enough so he could see the sleeping figure, in the huge and comfortable bed, clearly. He sat down on the edge of said object and let a hand wander through Hakuryuu's soft, blue hair. When the black magi touched his king's forehead he noticed the younger one sweated. When touching his forehead with a bit more force he also noticed that Hakuryuu's face was glowing! Was it just him or did the blue haired prince also look a lot paler than usual? He looked at his king. "He definitely had a fever", the black sun thought. He mentally cursed himself for doing this to his king!


"Oh come on Hakuryuu! It'll be fun!"" How often do I have to say no Judal ! I have work to do!" The prince answered, more than annoyed. All day long, the fallen magi had wanted to persuade him to go to a "special place" with him. It's not like the imperial prince didn't want to spend time with his boyfriend, he just had lots of things to do for tomorrow. Oh, and yeah ,you heard right: boyfriend. They have already been a couple for 7 months now. But except Kougyoku no one, not even Hakuryuu's sister Hakuei, knew about it. They had made the pink haired girl promise that she would keep quiet about it, because they didn't want anyone to know yet.

Hakuryuu finally gave in and agreed going with Judal, even if he still had a lot of work to do. The sun was about to set when they finally were ready to leave. They wore their usual loose clothing. They started walking , like 15 minutes away from the palace. "Here we are", Judal announced with a big smile on his face, when they had arrived at a mountain "Ah... Ok... What", the blue haired prince was interrupted by his boyfriend "Please follow me inside". Hakuryuu now noticed that there was a whole right in front of them. He hesitated a bit, but decided to follow his loved one inside and.... well.... THE VIEW WAS WORTH IT!

On the inside it widened to something like a huge round room, with shining and gleaming crystals all over the wall and on the opposite side was a waterfall running down the wall. "Wow, it's wonderful!", Hakuryuu said quietly "I l knew you would like it ^^. I just found this place myself the day before yesterday" They sat at the edge of the cliff and cuddled against each other, enjoying that only the sound of the waterfall was to be heard. But when they already had been there for a while Hakuryuu noticed how cold it was in here.

After a few hours, when they finally had decided to leave, it was raining heavy outside. They rann all the way back to the palace, but of course were soaking wet when they got there. They both laughed at how they looked with the wet clothes and hair. "Well, that's been a nice trip", the blue haired said. "I'm glad you enjoyed it" "Yeah, but I think I'll have to get back to work now.""Wait Ryuu! You should take a shower or else you'll catch a cold!" "Don't worry Judal, I'll be alright. I', gonna change into dry clothes and that will do it. I have really important work to do and I can't put it off anymore." He gave Judal a light, and wet, kiss before heading to his room and then to his study.

The black magi sight, before he made his way to the bathroom where he took a warm shower and went to bed afterwards.

*End of the flashback*

He knew that his king could get sick very quickly and had been lying yesterday. He felt guilty for not forcing the prince to take the warm shower with him and now they had it: The prince recumbent in bed with a heavy fever and probably a cold! "Hm... Judal?" "Good morning Ryuu", the black haired magician said softly "What time is it?", the prince murmured "It's like 14:00 p.m." "WHAT! I have to get up and..." "No!", Judal said, pushing his loved one down on the bed again as the blue haired man was trying to get up "You're staying in bed today, and that's an order! I'll take care of you" the black magi said, softly stroking the other ones hair. Said one sight, but didn't talk back to his boyfriend. Judal got a thermometer and measured Hakuryuu's temperature. "Wow! 40 decreed Celsius! We definitely need something to cool you down", he thought for a second until he came up with an idea " Wait here, I'll be right back". He returned nearly with a warm soup, a glass of water, a small towel, dunked into cold wate.

He sat down on the bed again. He brushed a few strands of hair out of the way before he laid the cool towel on Hakuryuu's forehead. The prince sight softly. "Does it feel good?" ,the black haired one asked. The other one nodded."I even have some soup for you, you must be really hungry" "Yeh, thank you Judal" Hakuryuu sat up just enough so he could ear. But when he took the spoon in his hands it nearly fell down again because his hands were shaking so hard. "Wait, let me do it", Judal offered. The blue haired prince, being left no other option, gave him the spoon reluctantly. And so Judal started to feed Hakuryuu 'till the whole plate was empty. "It tasted good" "Thanks Ryuu, I'm happy to hear that", smiled the fallen magi. Usually he would boss other people around and order them to do things for him, but when it came to Hakuryuu he would gladly even cook or something like that, like he has done now. After that he helped his king drinking the glass of water.

"Why didn't you tell me you get sick so easily?", Judal asked the younger boy, who had lied back again "B..... Because I didn't want to appear weak for you......." "What! I would never think you're weak, because you've proved me otherwise so many times", he took the prince's hand gently "I couldn't bring myself to think so" "Thank you... Thank you so much Judal....." "For what?" "For everything.... believing in me, taking care of me now...." "Oh, never mind that! It's only natural if you love someone." They both sat there on the bed, hugging. I never want to let you go, please, always stay at my side Ryuu" "I will, I promise...", Hakuryuu was interrupted by a heavy cough, but after drinking some more water it got better. Judal looked on a clock in the room to find out to his surprise, that already 4 hours had passed. He got the thermometer again and gaged the other ones temperature "35 decree Celsius , a lot better." The black haired sight in relieve. "That's good, the other one said softly. The black magi took the towel and made it wet with the cool water again, before laying it back in place once more. They sat on the bed, cuddling and talking about random stuff, until Hakuryuu fell asleep on the older one "OMG! HE'S SO CUTE! Judal says. Even though they have been dating for over half a year he's never seen his boyfriend asleep. He looked so peaceful! You could never believe that this person was so fully of hatred towards his own mother, but that's what Judal loved about him. Hakuryuu was strong, independent, he could be harsh but most of the time, especially when they were alone, he was just so adorable and cute! Judal begann stroking his boyfriend's hair, it was long, when not being pulled together, and it just felt so soft and silky in the other ones hand. Judal didn't realize he soon fell asleep himself. It was 20:00 and he was worn out from taking care of his beloved the whole day. He just hoped Hakuryuu would feel better the next morning.


This was a request by KouPriest ^^.

Sorry that it's kind of short and bad written ^^"

(I maybe will have the time to improve and erase the mistakes that are still there tomorrow ^^")

Have an nice day!


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