Chapter 7

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I wandered back to Obi and nodded confidently. Obi nodded, directing my attention behind me, and Jordan stood next to me.

“Hey Marcus, come meet the ladies.”

The three girls I had pointed to seconds ago walked over with eager grins. Judging by their body language, they liked what they saw. I liked what I saw.

“You all have fun, and let me know if you need anything.”

I nodded over at Jordan to thank him. Jordan winked at me, and went back to his post. I turned my attention to the girls, all standing and smiling as if waiting to be picked out of a casting call.

“Hey ladies, how’s it going tonight?”

“Good,” they all said.

From 20 feet away, these girls were attractive. Up close, they were alluring. And they had a pretty heavy accent.

The zebra-striped dress was exotic and alluring to the eyes. The skinny girl had daring eyes, which distracted me from the fact that she seemed unhealthily skinny.

But the dirty blonde, the one who first grabbed my attention, now had it captured and in her control for the rest of the night with her eyes.

Those eyes—they had a steely blue gaze, the kind that captured your attention like the most pristine-looking ocean you would see on National Geographic. They were eyes of excitement and passion, eyes that said, “I am full of life and energy,” and not eyes that said “fuck me, I’m easy.” Her eyes gave exactly what I was looking for—flair with substance.

It was kind of absurd to say I had fallen for a girl at a nightclub, especially one whose name I didn’t even know yet. All I knew about her was she had attractive hair, eyes to die for and an accent that sounded British or Australian. I had heard her say one word, “good.”

But her eyes, and the rest of her body, had already said enough to write a poem.

“I’m Marcus, and this is my friend Obi behind me. What’s y’alls names?”

The three of them stared at each giggling, trying to figure out who would go first.

“I’m Abby,” the girl in the striped dress said, projecting her name confidently.

“Addie,” the dirty blonde said.

“Adriana,” the skinny one said.

I shook hands with all of them, but immediately returned my gaze to Addie.

“The Triple A’s, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s kind of funny,” Abby said. “You know, our home country begins with an A too. We’re just an A-plus group of girls!”

“Y’all are from the land down under! What brings you to Vegas?”

“Oh, you know, just traveling the world and seeing what’s there. We just came from New York City, and we’re going to Brazil after this,” Addie said.

“Yeah, we won’t always get the chance to do this, one of us is going to work and two of us are heading off to school,” Abby said.

“We could represent the UN here,” I said. “We’ve got y’all from Australia, my boy over there from Nigeria and me from North Carolina here in America! Doesn’t get much more diverse than that.”

The girls offered a soft laugh, but not a real response. Although I had no interest in Adriana, I was surprised by how she had not yet spoken.

“Anyways, well, welcome,” I said, trying to not let the mood falter. “Do y’all like vodka?”

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