Skipping- Things You Should Know

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 Before you read this book you should know these few things:

1. I'm weird and an amateur. By that I mean I love critisism (bring on the bad words), and I'm not good at writing.

2. I've been given detail by a real Chicagoan, (is that what u call a Chicago native?) so you might hear of some actual places in Chicago!

3. I hate when people say that they won't upload until I get so and so votes, reads etc.! That's not cool, man. I can assure you that I won't be doing that. I'm writing this for me, and I put in the Watty Awards for the challenge of finishing it in about a year! So no worries.

4. Lastly just wanted to thank any of the people that took time out of their day to even click on this story. I may not see who it is, but I thank you all. Give yourself a pat on the back and a hug!

Roll one, smoke one

And we all just havin fun.- Young, Wild, and Free by Snoop Dogg and Wiz Kalifa


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