It All Started When....

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"Miss Page, would you please look up?" The policewoman asked me. She wasn't dressed in her uniform, but those professional clothes. You know, like slacks and a pretty blouse. I guess this was a tactic they used to get people to talk. Afterall, I sure as hell wasn't gonna talk to a man, and if that lady was dressed in her uniform, I'd be afraid too afraid of the fact she had a gun strapped to her waist, loaded.

I wasn't looking up right now because I was simply ashamed. How could I of let this happen? What was wrong with me? Why did-

My train of thought was broken by a policeman coming inside the room. "Her parents are here." He said. He closed the door right after that.

"Miss Page, do you want to see your parents?" The policewoman asked me. She had a southern twang to her voice, that I'd love if it weren't for the circumstances that I was hearing it.

"Yes, I would Ma'am'." I said, keeping my head down. I twiddled with my hands. They were dirty and you could see that they'd been scratched, but that was it.

"Well," she said, leaning forward across the white table between us. "You're gonna have to talk hun. We know that you are innocent, but we need to know what happened to you. We need to know what happened at that house, and how you ended up with that gun in your hand. We need to know, so that those people that wronged you and anyone else, can be punished for what they did. Please talk to me Miss Page?"

She reached out to me, trying to touch my face and bring my head up, but I pulled back pushing my back as far as it would go into the chair. I could here from the sound of her voice that she really did need to know what had happened, so I looked up, slowly.

"I'll tell you." I said with no emotion.

"Thank you Miss Page." She said with a sigh of relief. "Begin whenever you want."

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"It all started when I got to school about an hour early." I told her.

*Flashback Mode*

I walked towards the building, eying everyone there.

The potheads: Check

The athletes: Check

The emo or antisocial: Not many but a couple

The geeks/ nerds: Check

The bypassers: Check

My Group: Check

I walked over to my group of people. I wouldn't say we were the top of the school, because that wasn't true. We just had a good spot in the high school food chain. We didn't control everyone either, we let them be themselves.

Our school was weird like that. We didn't have this clique of three or so that parted the ocean of kids in the halway when they walked. We were just the sea. We had octopus, jellyfish, turtles, fish, and anything that you would find in the ocean.

"Hey Page!" They shouted at me, waving me over.

There was Leland (bi boy), Chelsea (emo), George (geek/ nerd),  Hannah (athlete), Yearling (a pervert and pothead), then there was me (bypasser). We were like representatives of the different groups of kids in the school. Somehow we all loved each other (yeah, even Yearling), and watched out for eachother.

"Hannah has a great idea for the day." Yearling said happily, with a smile reaching both his ears (he probably just took steroids, his face was kinda swollen).

"What is it?" I asked

 "I think," Hannah said. "We should skip today."

"I can't," Chelsea said sadly. "I have a test today in engineering, and if I don't take it... it's worth five grades, and that would be 5 F's. Sorry."

"You already know I'm out on skipping, I don't do that kinda stuff." George said, pushing up his glasses.

"I'm in!" Yearling said, giggling. Yeah,he'd taken something.

"Sure I'll go." Leland said. Everyone besides Yearling knew that he had a thing for Yearling, so it wasn't a surprise that he was going.

"What about you Page? You should go." Hannah said, poking me in the stomache.

"I don't know..."

"Just do it!" Yearling shouted, making people turn heads.

"They won't even realize your gone." Chelsea said quietly.

"I've never gotten caught, not once!" Yearling shouted again.

"Okay, Okay!" I said, really just to get Yearling to shut up.

"Yay!" Hannah had said clapping her hands.

*Present Day*

"So you didn't really want to go?" The policewoman asked. She had a notepad and pen, and had been taking notes on everything I had said.

"Yeah. I would't have gone if Yearling hadn't been yelling everything." Then I realized something. "You won't arrest him will you?!" I was never going to talk to Yearling again after what he did, but I didn't want him arrested either. He'd be in jail for years, maybe even a lifetime, and that wasn't fair.... or was it?

"No hun." The lady said to me. "We won't arrest him, but he might go to rehab. We found him in an appartment room. He almost died from an overdose."

"Oh... can I go to the bathroom?" I asked, I really needed to pee.

"Sure follow me." She said getting out her seat. I did.

So what do you think? I think I was kinda all over the place, but It'll tame down in the coming chapters. Comment!

Shots! Shots! Shots! Shot! Shot! Shots!- Shots by Lil Jon


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2012 ⏰

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