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"Come out with ur hands on your head!" I heard the police shout from outside. "If you don't come out, we're coming in!"

"You move a muscle and I'll blow your brains out." She sneared.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to move?" I wasn't scared of her. I knew she didn't have the guts to even touch the trigger. I could feel her hand shaking through the gun pressed to my head. "I may seem stupid after all I've done today, but you know good and well I'm the top of the class!" This only got her pressing the gun harder to my temple.

"Shut Up! Do you ever SHUT UP?!" She said dropping the gun in frustration. That was my one chance to escape, and I took it.

I grabbed the gun quickly, before she could, resulting in her jumping back. Coward! I thought. She could never kill someone. I pointed the small thing at her, not planning to shoot, just to scare her enough to back out the door and run to the police, but before I could even stand up all the way, a policeman burst into the door, and when he saw me with the gun, jumped me.

"Get her officer!" She shouted at him, pointing at me. "She's trying to kill me! She was gonna shoot me."

As she said this, the officer put the hand cuffs around my wrists, and pressed the gun right back where it was when she'd had it.

Lying there, my face pressed to the ground, I remebered just earlier today. How I'd gotten into all this mess.

"Just do it!" They'd said.

"They won't even realize your gone!"

"I've never gotten caught! Not once!"

Now, with the police sirens from outside blaring in my ears, my looks screaming homeless, cuffs that I'd never thought would be around my wrists, clearly there, and a gun pressed at my head, threatening to release a bullet, I don't know what I was going to do. Why did I listen to them? Why did I have to be so stupid? What had I been thinking? How was I gonna get out of this mess? What was I going to do?

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