Part 2

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Chapter 2.

It's been three days since Ethan has last spoken to me.

I decided to put in my 2 weeks at my other job because they have been cutting my hours by half so I'm only working 8 hours a week and my other job has me working 30 hours a week with youtube on top of that. My boss wasn't happy when i told her i was leaving since i was her hardest worker. Then why cut my hours? But anyway enough about my personal life outside the internet world.

i just hit over 5 million subscribers on my channel. holy crap! I get home late from my night job to see my twitter exploded with fans and friends congratulating me. My mother walks into my room with a vase of flowers and sets them on my dresser . these came to the door while you were at work. i grab the card. there from Mark.

The card reads

Dear eve congrats on the 5 million subs. Now your only 12,261,637 behind me so better catch up! Just kidding but congrats again. miss you eevee hope to see you soon.

Love mark, amy, tyler, Ethan, and chica.

Oh wow, that's so thoughtful of them to send me flowers. it is congrats eve, my mom says as she walks out the door. Now to look up games that i can record and play with the free time i have.

I may have over done it recording videos with all the time i have now I'm laying in bed with a bad cold and laryngitis but my videos are going live and I'm watching some of Jacksepticeye old videos.

Ethan skyped me a week after our late night conversation. he was working with mark and the gang for their improv show coming up and recording videos for while he was away. " hey sorry I haven't been talking to you for the past week, been busy with stuff. " ethan tells me as we search for a game to play on steam. " hey its ok, I've been busy myself with youtube and work."

"have you thought about what we were talking about maybe moving out to la?" "Ethan how am I going to move out there when you guys aren't going to be in Cali for a month and I'm not going to move in July so my tires melt". " so you are going to move to Cali after all?" I sigh . " yeah probably"

"YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!" he screams into his microphone. " "god Ethan do you have to scream?" I pick up my headphones as I ripped them off my head as he screamed. " your coming to Cali I have to tell mark and the rest of the gang." "Ethan I just put my 2 weeks in at my one job and told the other one I might be quitting in a few months I have no timeline when and if I'll be moving to Cali this year at all." " well, you at lease gave me an answer this time".

may went by in a fash. June went by slow since the boys were doing the show so molly, dan and I got closer and recorded and streamed a lot. July was the hottest on record so the power kept going out at work and at home so my videos took a big crash and I lost a few subs because of it. late august I told my work it was time to move on and I was moving to Cali to do youtube full time. I flew out without telling anyone but tyler because I knew he was moving and was looking at a realtor for a nice 2 bedroom apartment or townhouse. tyler picked me up and we looked for apartments for the both of us. I found a nice townhouse within my price range and allows pets for 200 extra cost.

I put in a bid and was told I'd find out within a week to 2 weeks if I got the house. I told tyler not to say anything till I found out if I got the house. he also put in a bid for the townhouse next to the one I put a bid on to. that'll be awesome if we both got the houses, one I wouldn't get a noise complaint if I got to loud because he lived with mark and ethan at one time. and 2 if I run out of toilet paper I can just text him and ask for some, just hope he has some too or we both be fucked.

a week later I got a voicemail that I got the townhouse and a text from tyler that we are going to neighbors! I hurried and packed my bedroom and recording room and started driving. I got to the townhouse about 11 pm at night and met tyler at the door with my keys because I had to drive from Utah. we hurry and unload my bed and its frame in my room so we could put it back together and save the rest for the morning so I can sign the paperwork and pay for last month and this months rent.

i sign and pay for everything and we head for team markiplier weekly meeting to surprise them.

we get to the office. tyler goes in first and I wait for a few minutes before I come walking in.


I started laughing at the looks they gave me as I suddenly showed up to the office.

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