Total Badass On Occasion

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Dean and Sam had gone out for a hunt.

Four hours ago.

A small nest. There couldn't have been more than 4 there.

Why was it taking this long?

After pacing around the dirty motel room, with an odd smelling stain in the corner, you decided to call Sam first, just to see if they were okay, but his phone went to voicemail. You tried again with Dean and the same thing happened.

Something odd was brewing in your gut. Sure the boys have forgotten to pick up a phone when they're on a case, but the fact that this was a simple nest that should not have taken so long is what really worried you.

You called each of their phones twice again and you still got no answer.

This was not okay.

You sat down on one of the beds and began to think of your options. Option One was to stay at the motel and wait for your brothers to return. Option Two was to go to the nest yourself and see what the holdup was. Time was ticking and you had to think.

At the end making sure your brothers were okay won.

You began packing up, what you might need in a small duffel bag. Two machetes, five vials of Dead Man's Blood and a small pocket knife that you stuck into the holster on your thigh. Hopefully, you wouldn't need these things, but as a hunter in training going into a potential fight you could never be too sure. You had learned that from Dean.

The cold air hit you as you walked outside the motel. Your next challenge was finding a car, looking around the parking lot an old car caught your attention. It seemed like a decent ride and by the looks of it, it seems as if nobody would miss it.

As you walked over to the car your thoughts went over Dean teaching you how to hotwire a car in case of an emergency. You tugged on the door, just to see if there was any chance the door was unlocked- It wasn't. Just your luck.

Taking a deep breath you dropped the duffel bag before slamming your elbow into the window once- no twice before the window broke. It hurt like a bitch, but it was for your brothers. You opened the door by reaching into the car through the broken window and hopped in, dropping the duffel bag in the passenger seat.

Upon entering the car you realized just how old it was. A light bulb had turned on in your head. All you needed was a flat head screwdriver, looking around all of the cracks in the car and under the seats, you found a small toolbox. Opening it your eyes lit up, there it was- the screwdriver, picking it up you turned around to the keyhole and hammered the screwdriver inside of it and turned it.

A bright smile lit up your face as you heard the engine come to life. You sat up straighter and pulled out of the parking lot of the motel. Remembering the exact location you let one hand drift to the machete waiting in the duffel bag as you drove.

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