Comfort From Cas

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I know this chapter is short, but don't worry I will be publishing a new chapter really soon. Expect some angst accompanied by the fluffiest fluff known to man!

 (This takes place before the previous chapter) 


Sam and Dean were out on a hunt again. 

Vampires a whole nest. The three of you were almost positive they were the cause behind all the missing girls. No bodies had shown up so there was still hope these girls were alive and best case scenario they were just being used for blood bags.

You had asked many times if you could come, but they gave you the same response every single time; "Sorry kid, this one just seems too dangerous." You rolled your eyes just thinking about it.

They were overprotective, to say the least.  

So now here you were sitting in an old and odd smelling motel room.

You were bored out off your mind.

Looking across the dingy motel room you ran over to your bag and pulled out a couple books that you had meaning to read. One of the first books that caught your eye was 'The Outsiders'. You had always wanted to read this book, but just never had the time to.

You made your way over to the motel bed and began to read once you were comfortable.

" WHEN I STEPPED OUT into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the moviehouse, I had

only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home. I was wishing I Looked like Paul

Newman--- he looks tough and I don't--- but I guess my own looks aren't bad. I have light-

brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes. I wish they were more gray, because I hate most

guys that have green eyes"

You weren't aware that Castiel was in the room with you until he made his presence known.

"Hello Y/N"

You nearly jumped out of your own skin from the surprise.

"Holy mother of god! You scared the shit out of me Cas!"

"I do apologize for the interruption Y/N, but your brothers asked me to sit with you. They feel quite bad about having to leave you here" Castiel explained.

You shrugged, muttering 's'alright'.

You stood up stretching and walked over to Cas.

"So what are we supposed to do Cas" You asked.

Cas shrugged.

"I wasn't given precise instructions, just to and I quote 'make sure she doesn't read herself to death' "

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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