Me and the Carter Boys

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My life couldn't get any worse than it is right now. I threw the phone across the room as hard as I could making it shatter into millions of pieces as the tears poured from my eyes. I had just been informed that my parent's plane had crashed and that nobody survived. I fell to my knees as a wave of chills took me over and sat there just letting it all out. My twin brother James poked his head around the corner "Oh no. What's wrong?" he asked with a little misplaced sarcasim. 

I blubbered for a few more moments and shook my head as if I was still trying to convince myself this wasn't happening. "Mom and dad's plane..." I said through my sobs "It crashed...nobody made it." Saying it was even worse than hearing it. 

"Oh no..." He said in disbelief as he shook his head as I had did. "No, no, no! Victoria!" He called after our older sister "Come quick!" 

Tori burst through the door "You used my full name! What happened?!" She sounded a little irritated but worried at the same time. 

"Mom and dad...they're gone..." James said holding me tightly while tear ran down his face. 

"Well of course there gone silly, there on a business trip and won't be back until--" 

"There plane crashed!" he yelled at her "They're not coming back!" It hit her and she sank to the floor next to us. We sat there bawling our eyes out for what seemed like forever. Life is never, going to be the same again. 


"I found somebody to take you in!" my aunt Carrie told me the next day. Seriously it's only been a day how could she have found somebody that fast? "Her name is Minnie, and her husband is Carl." 

"What about James and Tori?" I asked. 

"Ayla darling, she said she'd take you all! There was no hesitation!" I only have one aunt, and she was one of the few people that were left of my small family, her and her daughter Gabby. You're probably wondering why she couldn't just take me in. Well, she's an alcoholic. She is one of the worst alcoholics I've ever met, she is so bad that she got her own child taken away from her. They gave her a chance too -to stop drinking and keep her daughter that is- but she chose alcohol over Gabby. Gabby is older now -sixteen to be exact- but she still doesn't get to see her mom only on school breaks. She doesn't like her very much though for choosing alcohol over her... 

"Where do these people live?" I asked her. 

"Florida..." She said taking sip of her beer. 

I clenched my jaw in anger. I didn't want to move away, nobody wants to move away, not even if the only aunt you have is addicted to alcohol. "When do we leave?" 

She hesitated, "There leaving tomorrow, they should be here in about two days..." 

You've got to be kidding me... 

After packing what little I had I went into James room to help him. He has more than I do, because he is the only boy dad used to spoil him. He still didn't have a lot but he has more than I do and he would take his whole room if our new guardians would let him. I looked around his room. I hadn't been in here for a while. It looked like he had never cleaned it in his life. There's garbage everywhere, I know what you're thinking 'what would you expect from a guy', but this is so bad there's no words to describe it. It smells so bad! I can't walk in here without stepping on something. I can't even see the floor to tell you what color the rug would be. How can he sleep knowing there's this big of a mess in here, and where is his bed!? "James are you in here?" I asked through the mess. 

He stumbled out from behind a mountain of God only knows what. "Yeah? What do you want?" 

"Um, did Aunt Carrie tell you?" I asked plugging my nose. 

"Yeah, yeah. We're moving into some random persons house because she can't take care of us. Typical." 

"Do you need help packing?" I offered. 

He pulled out what had to be the biggest suitcase ever from behind the mountain and to my surprise it didn't get stuck in the tiny space it had to come out of. "Nah, I think I got it. But if I need you I'll come find you ok?" he stepped behind the mountain again -which I assumed his closet was behind because if it wasn't then these suitcases would be coming from nowhere- and a suitcase flew out from behind it, it seemed to be just as big as the last one. Then he stepped out from behind the pile again pulling something with him, but it seemed to be stuck. I walked around the mountain making sure not to get to close because it started to sway and sure enough there was yet another suitcase that was even bigger than the last two if that was even possible. 

I rolled my eyes and walked over the help him wedge it out of the small space. He counted to three and we heaved it out. Then the mountain started to sway uncontrollably and before I knew it, it had fallen over on top of me. When my head surfaced the only thing I could hear was James laughing. I climbed out of the pile of God still only knows what to see him on the floor unable to control his laughter. 

"This is disgusting!" I yelled "I'm going to take a shower..." 

After I had scrubbed off all the gross cootie germs from James bedroom -I don't ever want to go in there again- I went to see if Tori needed help packing. I walked into her room to see that she was almost done packing. She had all her clothes neatly folded in her suitcase along with a few of her favorite books. "Do you need help?" I asked "I'll do anything to not have to go back into James room ever again..." 

She chuckled "I'm good. Thanks though." 

James stumbled into the room with more of God knows what hanging off his shoulders. "Um, do any of you guys have another suitcase?" 

"You have three suitcases that are so big you could fit all three of us into just one of them. How much stuff do you have?"


Thank you so much for reading. This chapter goes to my editor!! :)

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