Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I got a ride home from school with Logan agian since I couldn't find any of the boys by the time I was ready to leave. The ride home was pretty much the same as one on the way to school. He told me a few things about his day and then popped a CD into to CD player, I didn't know who the artist was, all I know is that is was one of those rap guys you can never understand.

Logan pulled the truck into the garage carefully, I got out, grabbed my backpack from the back and made my way to my room. Once there I pulled out all of my homework for the day. It wasn't a lot, but enough to keep me from doing anything fun for the rest of the night. I decided to start with English, after finishing the first few questions on the paper I thought it would be nice to have some company while I study, so I snatched up all my homework and went to find Kendall's room. I knocked on a few doors and found Luke and Andrew's rooms before I finally came across a door that I knew was his before I even knocked, he was definitely right about knowing it when I see it. The door had a big neon green letter 'K' on it, and around it were fireworks painted to the door as well. I knocked, there were a few moments before he answered, a bit of shuffling behind the door before it swung open to reveal a shirtless Kendall.

"Wow!" Kendall says, "Your the first person who's ever knocked on my door. My mom doesn't even knock."

I let out a chuckle and a roll of my eyes before I said, "Do you happen to want a study buddy?" Oh my gosh! Why do I always say the stupidest things around this guy?

He nodded enthusiastically and opened the door wider so I could come in.

His room was your typical guys room, with clothes scattered on the floor, empty soda cans, dirty dishes. But one things for sure, it didn't look nearly as bad as James' room, and that I was thankful for. Kendall picked up a t-shirt off the floor and pulled it over his head. Gross.. I really don't know how guys can do that. I scrunched up my nose in disgust and looked away with a quick roll of my eyes.

"Ok, so.. wanna start with English since we have that class together?" I asked.

He nodded his head and pulled a few things out of his backpack which was right by his bed.

We swaped notes (which really useless because I couldn't read Kendall's handwriting what so ever) to make sure we each got everything.

"You have really nice handwriting." Kendall said with a smile.

"And you don't." I replied.

"Gee thanks." He said sarcastically.

We managed to study for a full fourty minutes before Kendall claimed he was 'hungry' so we had to stop. "I'm so hungry! Did you hear that? It was my stomach!" he whined.

"I didn't hear a thing." I smirked at him. I don't think he was really hungry, I think he just wanted a break. Though, it's not like he did much studying, every time I looked over, he was doodling on his paper. I lost count of how many times I had to bring his attention back to studying.

He rushed out of the room before another word could be said. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to jam all of my school stuff back into my bag. Once everything was shoved back into place I made my way to my room thinking maybe I should give my friend's Lindsey and Emily a call. I hadn't talked to them since I left and they were probably wanting an explanation. They didn't exactly know my aunt Carrie to ask her anything so they probably have no idea what's going on.

I opened the door to my room and threw my bag to the ground by my bed watching as everything fell out of it. I sighed but didn't bother to pick it all up because I wasn't done with my homework yet, then I set off to find a phone.

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