jeff atkins

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Friday's were everyone's favorite day

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Friday's were everyone's favorite day. It was the beginning of the weekend, all of your worries went away, and responsibilities were forgotten until Monday.

You were in your last class of the day with only ten minutes left until the bell rang.

     You heard laughter behind you and you turned cautiously to see what all the commotion was and you saw Montgomery and his group of friends looking at you. You rolled your eyes and turned back around trying to ignore them. They were always annoying and disrupting the class so you figured it best if you just minded your own business and focused on your work.

"Hey, Y/N." you hear him call and you turn around to see what he wanted.

"What do you want?" you sneered

     "Rumor is Jeff has found a new piece of ass to chase." he snorted and your eyes widened.

     "What are you talking about?" you ask and try to keep your neutral as to not show him that he was getting to you.

     "Apparently him and some freshman on the dance team were seen getting a little too close today in the back of the library." he explained and your stomach dropped.

     You knew that you two weren't exactly exclusive but you've been on a few dates. He even told you that you were the only one he was seeing and interested in. Apparently that wasn't true. You turned back around and tried to focus on the assignment but your brain just wouldn't let you. Would he really fool around with a freshman in such a public place?

     You shake your head as you realize how dumb that sounds. This is Jeff, he wouldn't do that. Besides wouldn't he tell you things weren't working out? He didn't seem like the type to just lead girls on.

     The bell soon rang and you grabbed your things quickly and bolted out the door and to your locker. You were trying to get in and out quickly so you wouldn't have to see Jeff. In an attempt to shove all your books in your bag you lost your grip and dropped everything.

     "Fuck." you grunted and kneeled down to pick up your things. Soon you noticed a hand grab your chemistry notebook and you look up.

It was Jeff.

"Thanks." you muttered as you grabbed it and stuffed it in your bag, standing up.

     You shut your locker and started at the doors. You felt a hand gently pull you back and you turned around.

     "Hey. Why are you walking away? You didn't even let me say hello." he rubbed the back of his neck and you sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really ready to go home." you explain and he nods.

"I feel you. I love Fridays." he smiles and you awkwardly nod and look around.

     "Well I've got to get going so I'll see you around." you say and start to leave when he stops you again.

     "Wait. Do you wanna come to dinner at my house tomorrow night? I kind of mentioned you to my mom and now she really wants to meet you. I know we aren't really official or anything so it's okay if you say no." he reasons and your heart melts. He mentioned you to his mom? The thought makes you smile until you remember what Montgomery told you.

     "Are you sure you want me there? Why don't you take your new friend instead?" you sneer and he looks taken back.

"What new friend?" he furrows your brows and you scoff.

     "The freshman? The one you were getting all friendly with in the library." you roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest. He looks confused for a second until realization hits him and he starts to laugh.

     "I'm glad you think this is funny." you scoff and turn to leave again when a hand grabs your arm again and pulls you back. You were shocked as you felt his lips against yours and you couldn't help but kiss back. You mentally kicked yourself at how easily you gave in.

     "That friend is my little sister. She hasn't been having the best time adjusting to high school so I hang out with her sometimes." he explains and your eyes widen.

     "Oh my god. I am so sorry." you apologize, "Monty was telling me all these crazy things and I believed him and I should've just asked you instead of assuming and getting upset." you look down, ashamed.

     "Hey." he says and puts a finger under your chin to get you to look at him, "You're special to me. I wouldn't throw away what I have with you for some fling. Okay?" he asks and you nod giving him a small kiss and smiling.

"I didn't know you had a sister." you admit.

     "Yeah she's always busy with dance practice so I don't see her much until she gets home." he explains and you nod in understanding.

"You'll get to meet her tomorrow if you decide to come?" he asks again.

     "Yeah definitely. I'd love to. But only if you refer to me as your girlfriend." you negotiate and he laughs.


imagine made by 13claysbandaids

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