alex standall

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Alex and I were at a party at Jessica's house

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Alex and I were at a party at Jessica's house. The two of us were looking for something to do tonight and were at a loss until Jessica texted me saying her parents were gone for the weekend and she's having a few people over. Pretty soon "a few people" turned into half of the class.

     We were in the kitchen looking for something to drink that wasn't alcoholic. Personally I don't like the taste of alcohol so I steered clear of it. At times I wish I could join in on the fad and get sloppy drunk just to do it but I couldn't bring myself to drink more than a sip or two. I grabbed a water while Alex grabbed a beer and headed to the living room where our friends were seated.

     At first everyone was busy with their own individual conversations talking about school, who's hooking up with who, what they were going to drink next, or arguing about who the designated driver was.

     I turn to Alex who was half way done with his beer and that's when it hit me how gorgeous he was. His blonde hair was slightly messy and his septum ring complimented him nicely. His bright blue eyes were looking around the room until they landed on me and I smiled.

"What?" he laughed and I shook my head.

"You're just cute." I wink at him and he blushes.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Jessica suggests and everyone cheers.

     "Great! I didn't know we were in the sixth grade!" Alex mocked and I laughed. I was always the only one laughing at his sarcastic remarks. I don't know why I just loved them.

     "Oh come on, grouchy." I teased and sat on the floor as Justin and Zach moved the coffee table to the side.

     "Okay. There is only one rule: you must kiss whoever it lands on, boy or girl." Jessica raised her eyebrows as she explained and I could see a few boys with nervous looks on their faces.

"I'll go first." She offered and spun the bottle.

"Y/N." she said as the bottle landed on me and I nervously chuckled.

     "C'mon, it's just a kiss. We aren't scissoring." she rolled her eyes and a few hollers were made at her comment and she glared at the boys. I sigh and get on my knees, leaning into her and giving her a small peck on her lips. Cheers were heard around us and I scoffed.

     "Okay calm down." I laugh and sit back down next to Alex who was shuffling awkwardly. We went around the circle with more kisses exchanged and then it was Alex's turn to spin.

"This is dumb. You can skip me." he grunted.

     "Suit yourself." I said as I grabbed the bottle and took my turn. Honestly I had no idea why I was playing seeing as I didn't really want to kiss anyone. Well maybe one person comes to mind. And to my luck the bottle lands on him.

I look at Alex and his eyes widen.

"Are you sure?" he chuckles nervously.

     "It's just a game, Alex. Don't stress out too much." I reassure him and he wipes his palms on his jeans.

     "I mean we don't have to if you don't want to. We're friends this could be weird." he rambles.

"Just kiss her." Justin exclaimed impatiently and we looked at each other.

     "Okay, but what if-" he starts and I cut him off, "Shut up and kiss me already." I say exasperated and his lips crash onto mine. The kiss was brief but sweet and my body felt warm and fuzzy afterwards. I could taste the beer he was drinking on his lips. We pull away as the person next to me spins the bottle.

One thing was for sure, I don't think I hate the taste of alcohol as much anymore.

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