Chapter Six - The Fans

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Harry's POV
It's been another 3 weeks since my doctor's appointment and Simon was bugging us to tell the fans. I was worried. Even more than telling my mum. The fans are what make this band happen and if they aren't happy, I don't think we'll be around much longer. Louis kept saying things would be fine. He said that about telling Simon and look what happened there. I just didn't want to rush into things. After all we had months before the baby was due.
"Harry are you ok in there?" Louis asked banging on the bathroom door.
"Yeah Lou. Just give me a minute." I answered. Currently another wave of morning sickness was coming. I was trying to stay calm and breath because that normally helped but today it wasn't.
"Are you sure babe? You've been in there for a while. Do you want me to get you anything?" He asked again.
"Maybe a glass of fizzy water?"
"Ok." He chuckled and walked off. I smiled to myself and opened the bathroom door. Maybe it would be best for me to stay in today. I wandered downstairs and found Lou on the phone. I smiled again and took the water from him, the fizzy bubbles feeling funny on my tongue. I went and sat on the couch flipping on the TV.
"Who was on the phone babe?" I asked as he sat next to me.
"Simon. He's still pushing us to tell before you get bigger." He sighed.
"One minute he hates the idea of us having the baby now he wants us to tell everyone! I'm so confused." I groaned.
"I know same here. Maybe we should tell though. We don't want them thinking we're hiding this from them."
"But we are. And we're doing it because they're vicious! They hate girlfriends, what are they going to say about a baby?" I said seriously.
"They won't hate our baby Harry. They were so happy when the found out we were together. A baby is just another step."
"Yeah but normally you wait and get married and get help to have a baby! Not one of the guys having the baby!" I yelled. "Oh no!" I groaned.
"What?" Louis asked. I sighed and ran to the bathroom finally being sick. I heard Louis follow me with my fizzy water. He was so cute.
"I knew that was coming." I huffed.
"Hm. Here." He said handing me the cup.
"Thanks babe." I sighed taking it and gulping down the water. "Can we go back to bed?" I pouted cutely.
"I would love to but we have an interview today." He smiled happily.
"Why are you smiling?" I asked.
"Because it will be fun. Just us."
"Just us? Like me and you?" He nodded. "Simon set this up didn't he?! He wants us to tell!" I yelled.
"Haz, maybe it would help. The fans are going to find out eventually."
"I'm just sick of being pressured into everything. I'm the one who has to go through this. You're just the other dad." I sighed.
"Oh thanks." He said hurt.
"I didnt mean it like that Lou, just that you don't have to have the baby. You don't have to get fat and get stared at. I don't want to rush into it."
"I know what you mean babe. I don't want you to rush into anything you don't want to do. I'm sorry."
"It's ok Lou." I smiled and hugged him. He smiled back and kissed my head. "I'll go to this interview if...Simon doesn't push the baby subject." I said seriously.
"I promise he won't." Louis said excitedly. I laughed but agreed to go. Hopefully everything will be the same once we leave.

Louis' POV
Harry was nevous about the interview. I know he doesn't want to tell them yet but the fans are going to find out. They hacked into airport security for gods sake, they will find out about this. I was trying to keep him calm but as we sat down ready to start he freaked out.
"Lou I can't do this. What if they know and ask about it? I can't lie."
"Babe calm down please! You know what the doctor said about stress." I said seriously grabbing his hand.
"I know but I can't help it. The thought of them knowing is freaking me out. Not to mention Simon being here." He said almost hyperventilating.
"Pretend he isn't here. This is just a normal interview. We're here to talk about the movie right? Just answer the questions and laugh when I say something funny. Act normal and they won't suspect a thing I promise." I said squeezing his hand. He nodded not really wanting to do this.
"Ok lads, are you guys ready to get started?" The interviewer asked.
"Yep." I smiled and Harry smiled weakly. They nodded and started the interview with some questions from the fans.
"Many girls on Twitter want to know why you were shopping at Babies R Us. Care to explain?" Harry immediately freaked out. I had to try and stay calm for him but it wasn't working.
"" He was sweating really bad. They were starting to notice.
"We were shopping for..."
"ME!" Harry yelled. "I'm pregnant!" He blurted out. The interviewer gasped and Harry's eyes widen. He just told his secret.
"You're what now?" The man asked.
"I'm pregnant. As in having a baby." He explained.
"Oh my god!" The guy yelled. "How the hell is that even possibe?"
"It just happened. It wasn't planned of course."
"Wow. And what do you think of this Louis?" He asked.
"I'm so happy. I can't wait to have a baby with Harry. I love him so much and I love the baby too." I smiled.
"I didn't really want to tell everyone yet but I just did." Harry laughed. The interviewer continued the interview with thousands of Tweets now coming in. Some were good, some were bad. I just hope that everybody excepted this. Whether the like it or not, Harry was having a baby and I can't wait.

Harry's POV
Before we started the interview there were a couple of fans around the studio, after the interview finished there were thousands of fans outside. All wanting pictures of me. This is why I didn't want to say anything, but no I had to open my big mouth and tell the whole world! I was really scared now. Not just for me but for the baby too. It already had death threats. It's not even fucking born yet! I just don't want people to hate me now. It's not my fault this happened to me. I didn't ask for it, it just happened.
"Things will be fine babe. Don't worry what people say." Louis said seriously as we drove to get some lunch.
"I can't help it Louis. They're talking about the baby. Our baby. I can't just let them bad mouth it before it's even born."
"I know it sucks. But people are going to be fasinated by this. I mean you don't see many pregnant men around." He laughed.
"Thanks. Laugh at me, that's going to make me feel better." I scoffed.
"That's not what I meant Harry."
"Hm." I mumbled. This was going to be harder than I thought.

5 minutes later we arrived at Nandos again and went inside. We were just minding our own business when a woman came over to us, she seemed angry.
"You boy!" She yelled pointing at me.
"Ah yes?"
"You are a disgrace to this world! You are different and strange and quite frankly I think you should leave!" She snapped.
"Excuse me?" I questioned.
"You heard me. Get out!" She yelled.
"Fuck you." Louis said angrily.
"I beg your pardon young man?"
"I said fuck you. How dare you speak to Harry like that! Just because he's a bit different doesn't mean he deserves to be abused by you."
"He's a freak, not different! Men don't have kids." A man said joining the situation. I was so embarressed. I just wanted to go home.
"Babe let's just go please. I don't feel good." I said quietly.
"Of course Haz. Come on. We don't want to eat her anyway." Louis said helping me up. The guy that spoke pushed me and I fell over.
"OW!" I yelled holding my head.
"You dick! Fuck off!" Louis yelled pushing him back.
"Let's just go. Come on." I sighed pulling him away. I started feeling dizzy. "Please Louis!" I begged.
"I'm coming Haz." He sighed too. We were almost outside when I collapsed on the ground and passed out. That's not good.

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