Chapter Ten - A Goodbye and a Baby Shower

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Harry’s POV
Sadly the boys had to leave before my ‘baby shower’. I didn’t want to do it alone. It didn’t want Louis’ to go either. Simon wouldn’t post pone the trip, it’s not fair. I wish I was going with them.
“You’ll be fine babe. I’ll be back in a week.” Louis smiled hugging me tightly.
“A week too long. I wish you weren’t going. I don’t want this shower thing anymore.” I huffed.
“Haz, the boys already organised everything. Your mum will sort it out, just go and have fun.” He smiled again.
“But you won’t be there. It won’t be fun without you.”
“Yes it will baby. Look I’ll call you as soon as we land and you can tell me all about it. It’ll be like I was there. How’s that?”
“It’s not the same. You’re not going to be there! I’m going to miss you so much!” I sobbed and fell into his arms. Why was I so emotional all of a sudden?
“I’m going to miss you too Harry but I have to go. I’m sorry.” He sighed rubbing my back.
“You’re going to call? You promise?” I sniffed.
“Of course I will. I promise.” He smiled. I nodded sadly, not wanting him to go. “I have to go now Haz.” He almost whispered sending me straight back into his arms.
“I love you.” I mumbled.
“I love you too. Don’t cry. You’ll make me upset too.” He laughed.
“It’s ok Haz, I was kidding. But I really do have to go. Call you later.” I nodded. He grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. “Bye love.”
“B-Bye Lou.” I whimpered. I was always going with him when he went on a plane. It was always us together. It felt weird and scary being left behind. Like he was leaving me. I waved to him as he walked off with the lads, I’m going to miss out on so much being stuck here and I hated it already.

Louis’ POV
I sat on the plane trying not to cry as we took off. Harry was so upset about me leaving, it was too much for me to handle. I hated seeing him upset. Luckily the lads were too busy mucking around to notice the tear falling down my face. Well so I thought.
“Lou? What’s wrong?” Niall asked coming to sit next to me. “Are you ok? Is it Harry?”
“I’m just upset to leave him that’s all. He’s so sad and I don’t want him to be upset.” I sighed. “I wish he could come.”
“Same here. These two are driving me insane.” He groaned.
“You think he’ll be ok Ni?” I asked. “You think he’ll make it without me?”
“I think he will Lou. He’s not going to go and do something stupid.” Niall said seriously.
“I know but I don’t want him to be upset anymore. I want him to just be happy. He should be happy. We’re having a baby and that’s something to be happy about. Right?”
“Of course it is. And I know he’s happy deep down Lou. He’s happy about your baby.”
“Juliet.” I smiled.
“Huh?” Niall asked.
“Harry came up with the name Juliet. Juliet Tomlinson-Styles.”
“Aw! That’s so cute!” Niall cooed.
“I know. I can’t wait to see her. It’s going to be perfect.” I smiled excitedly. I can’t wait to be a dad. Have someone call me daddy. It’s going to me amazing. I hope Harry feels the same way.

Harry’s POV
Everyone turned up on time for this ‘baby shower’ as they were still calling it. I was so not in the mood. Lou had only been gone a couple of hours and already it was strange and lonely without him. People brought presents and food, the poor women who get stuck having these things.
“Hey Haz. How you going?” Gemma asked coming to sit next to me, with a cake.
“Better now.” I smiled and ate it.
“Thanks. That was the last one.”
“My bad.” I mumbled my mouth full. She just laughed.
“How are you really Harry? I know it was hard having to say goodbye to Louis.” She sighed.
“Yeah I’m ok. It’s not like he’s not coming back right? Oh please tell me he’s coming back! Gem.”
“Harry calm down. Louis’ coming back. Just don’t stress.” She sighed and hugged me.
“Thanks Gem.” I said quietly.
“Hey it’s ok. You would do the same for me.” She smiled. “So, you ready to open this mountain of presents?” She laughed.
“No. I feel awkward. Everyone’s going to look at me. I already feel fat enough.”
“How about I help and they can look at me too?” She suggested.
“Really?” She nodded.
“Ok. Thanks again Gem.”
“No problem Haz.” She said hugging me. “Come on everyone. Present time!” She yelled right in my ear. ‘Thanks Gem.’ I laughed in my head. Everyone came in and sat down as we both opened the presents. There was loads of stuff for Juliet. Everything was pink and so cute. I wish Louis was here to see it all.
“Thank you guys. Now I think we have everything we need.” I laughed.
“I hope so Haz. You feeling ok? You look a bit sick.” Mum said checking me out.
“I feel ok. A bit tired.” I yawned.
“Go and lie down if you need to.”
“I can’t. This whole thing is for me, I can’t leave. What a terrible host.” I chuckled.
“You can go and sleep Harry. Everyone will understand. They’ve all had babies too.” Mum laughed.
“We can cover for you and pack everything away.” Gemma smiled.
“Ok. I guess I could use a nap. Thanks guys.” I smiled back and walked up to mine and Lou’s room. I found Lola sleeping on the bed. I smiled again and lied next to her. She woke up and curled into me, snuggling her head into my neck tickling me with her whiskers. “What are you doing little one?” I laughed moving her. She pouted and hopped up, jumping onto my chest. I shook my head but didn’t move her. She looked comfortable. The bed felt huge without Louis there. I hope he’s having more fun than me.

Louis’ POV
We were currently still flying to the US. All the lads were asleep but I couldn’t, not yet. I really wanted to call Harry and see how he was and how the baby shower went or was going, but I couldn’t. I wish we were there already or we never left at all. Maybe I could Skype him? No, maybe he was asleep. I just hate not being with him. I want to be there, see all the presents little Juliet got and see how happy Harry is. I don’t want to leave him there all alone. Kim’s there but he doesn’t really know her.
“Hey Lou.” Liam yawned coming to sit with me. “Missing Harry?” He asked.
“Ha how could you tell?” I asked back sarcastically.
“You look depressed and you haven’t pulled a prank yet so I know something’s not right.” He laughed. “You’re worried about him aren’t you?”
“Of course I am. Harry and I sort of need each other. Without him things aren’t the same, no offence but without him there’s no need to be happy.” I sighed.
“I know what you mean Lou. If Niall wasn’t here it just would be right. He’s so adorable and you get use to that accent.”
“You do.” I laughed.
“You going to call him later?” He questioned.
“As soon as we’re on the ground! I’ve been waiting all day!” I said dramatically. Liam laughed loudly waking Niall up.
“What are you two laughing at?” He asked.
“Nothing.” Liam smirked.
“Yes you are! Don’t lie to me Liam!” Niall said seriously.
“I’m so scared of the little Irishman.” Liam chuckled.
“Oh you’re going down Payne.” He laughed and jumped on him. I laughed as I watched them rolling around on the floor, Paul trying to break them up. That reminded me of me and Harry. Always fighting like that. It won’t be long until those two get together. Hopefully without the baby.

Now finally another 10 hours later we landed in the US. I was so relieved! I wasn’t even off the plane and I had my phone out and was dialling Harry. It took a while before he answered. He sounded sleepy. It was SO cute!
“Hello?” He yawned.
“Hey baby.” I smiled widely.
“LOU!” He yelled. “You called.”
“I told you I would silly. How are you? Did everything go well?” I asked quickly.
“I’m fine. Slept longer than I intended but I’m good and everything went ok. We got loads of stuff. Juliet is so spoilt already.” He laughed.
“I bet she is.” I laughed too. “I miss you.” I sighed.
“I miss you too. How long ago did you land?” He asked. I could hear him shuffling around in bed.
“Um like 2 minutes ago. We only just stepped off the plane.”
“You didn’t have to call straight away you know. I’m not that incompetent.” He chuckled.
“I know. I just wanted to make sure you’re ok. Is Juliet ok?”
“Yeah. Actually I’m hungry. Hold on.” He said and I heard him put the phone down.
“I’m back. Had to put some track pants on. It’s suddenly got colder.” He laughed. “Anyway. Where are you guys staying?” He asked.
“I don’t know actually. Paul has to take us somewhere to meet Simon because we don’t even know what we’re doing here.” I explained.
“LOUIS! Get over here!” Paul yelled in the background.
“Oh you should go. I don’t want you getting into trouble.” Harry said sadly.
“I’ll call you back later though. On Skype so you can show me all of the presents we got.” I smiled.
“She got Lou. Not us.” He chuckled.
“That’s what I meant of course.” I laughed too. “Anyway I better get going.”
“Ok. Have fun and don’t forget to call back.”
“I’m not going to forget you Haz. Bye babe.”
“Bye Lou.” He said back.
“Love you.” I smiled.
“Love you too.” He smiled back and hung up. I sighed and walked over to Paul who was with the other lads.
“About time lover boy. We gotta go. Fans on their way.” Zayn explained.
“But I haven’t got my bags.”
“Paul’s got them. Let’s go.” Niall said seriously. He hated being stuck in a big crowd.
“Oh then.” I nodded. We all got outside and piled into a van which drove us across town to Simon’s L.A mansion. I hope we were getting some answers as to why we were here. I had no idea.
“Ah boys. C’mon in. Simon will see you now.” His assistant Peggy smiled. We smiled back and followed her into Simon’s house. It was huge! Like huge, huge! And he never did anything for himself. I guess that’s what happens when you’re super rich.
“Hello lads, come in.” He smiled leading us into his office. He said something to Peggy and shut the door. “Have a seat, don’t be shy.” He laughed.
“Why are we here Simon?” I asked quickly.
“Here as in the office or America?” He questioned.
“Here as in America? And why couldn’t Harry come?” I asked again.
“It’s a promo thing isn’t it?” Zayn asked.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Niall agreed.
“Lads if you would let me explain you would know.” Simon said annoyed. We all nodded and zipped our lips. “This is promotional and kind of a tour at the same time.” He answered.
“Tour? What? No one said anything about a tour.” I said angrily.
“We’re performing?” Liam asked.
“It’s more of, you go introduce the movie and perfume, sing a few songs and move to the next city. Simple.” He explained.
“How long is this going to take?” I asked.
“A few months at the most. Depends on where you’re going and things.”
“Months!” I yelled. “I can’t leave Harry for months! He’s upset enough as it is. It’s going to kill him me being gone for so long!”
“He’ll get over it Louis he’s a big boy!”
“He’s also pregnant if you haven’t noticed! He can’t do everything at home alone. I can’t, no I won’t stay for that long!” I snapped.
“Louis do you want to keep your job?” Simon asked. I didn’t answer. “Well?”
“What do you think?!”
“Well if you do I suggest you shut up before I kick you out. Harry’s just going to have to look after himself for a while. Not a big deal. Now read these, sign them and give them back.” He said snapping his fingers making some guy hand us all very thick booklets.
“What are they?” Niall asked.
“Contracts. Saying I won’t be responsible if one or any of you are injured or die.” He smiled.
“Oh lovely.” Zayn groaned sarcastically. “You know Louis’ not the only one unhappy with this. I have Perrie I have to leave at home again! She’s going to get sick of it.” He sighed.
“She has to tour too Zayn. She’ll be fine.”
“You’re only saying that because it’s not you. You don’t have to stand up there every night and sing your heart out for 2 hours! We don’t even get much out of it.” I said seriously.
“You get paid! Do you like you new house? Yeah I paid for that!”
“Whatever!” I murmured. This was so unfair! I was pissed! He shouldn’t be able to make us do this. I don’t care if he’s our manager and can fire me. It’d be better at home anyway.
“Done?” He questioned. We nodded and gave the booklets back. “Good. You’ll be staying downtown at a hotel. I think you should call your family or whatever. Harry! Tell them you’ll be gone here for a while.” He smirked. God I hated him! We all left and got back into the van. How the fuck was I supposed to tell Harry about this? He’s going to be crushed. Wish me luck.

Harry’s POV
I was in the middle of making dinner and chatting to Kim when Lou Skype called. I was so excited I almost burnt the pizza.
“Hey Lou.” She smiled pressing answer.
“Kim. Hey what’s happening over there?” He smiled back.
“Not much. Harry’s making pizza. He’s a fucking genius. I didn’t know someone could cook so good.” She laughed.
“Aw thanks Kim.” I smiled. She smiled back and went back to the screen.
“Oh um Josh wants you to Skype him or something.” Louis said.
“Really? Ooh. Tell him I’m coming.” She giggled and ran off.
“Those two are so in love it isn’t funny.” I laughed.
“Hey babe.” He smiled.
“Hey you. How’d it go with Simon? He give you guys a hard time like usual?” I asked still making dinner.
“Yep! I want to kill him Harry. Please let me kill him.” He groaned.
“I’ll hide the body.” I chuckled making him smile. I love his smile.
“I wish! He was just really rude about everything. Just because he has a fucking butler to wait off him hand and foot!” He snapped.
“How long do you have to stay for? A week? Two? Will you be home soon?” I asked quickly. I really wanted to know.
“Um about that…” He started.
“It’s bad isn’t it? You’re not coming home at all?!” I panicked.
“Haz I’m coming home, just later then I would have liked.” He sighed.
“How much later?”
“A few months later.” He mumbled.
“Months!” I yelled. “Like months!” No this couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t lose him for months.
“I’m sorry baby. I know it’s not ideal.” He sighed.
“Not ideal?! It’s not right! You can’t be gone for months. You just can’t.” I sobbed.
“I don’t want to stay that long, but Simon threatened me with the ‘Do you want to keep your job?’ speech. Maybe you can come and visit.”
“If I couldn’t go now I can’t go at all. Months is like when the baby’s born. Are you going to be here to see that?!”
“Of course. I’m sure we’ll be home by then babe. This just sucks!”
“You’ve got that right. I can’t believe you’ll be gone for months. I’m struggling after just a day. I need you.” I whispered.
“I need you too Haz. Zayn’s constantly texting Perrie, Niall and Liam are practically planning their wedding and I’m all alone, which I know isn’t as bad as you though.” He sighed.
“Who’s going to help me make everything baby proof, and watch sad movies with me, and cuddle with me? Now I wanna kill him!” I yelled. “This is bullshit!”
“I know it is Harry. He can’t do this!” Louis huffed.
“Sadly he can.” I sighed. “I-I’ve got to go.” I said quietly.
“Oh, ok. You want me to call you back later?” He asked sadly.
“No. I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.” He waved.
“Bye Lou.” I waved back sadly. As soon as he hung up I was in tears. I can’t lose him for months.
“Harry are you ok?” Kim asked.
“I’m not hungry anymore.” I said quietly and ran to my room. I cried and cried until I didn’t think I could cry anymore. How am I going to deal with this alone?

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