Chapter Twelve - Time's Running Out

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Harry’s POV
It was two weeks until my due date and Louis still wasn’t back yet. I was trying to stay positive but I knew he probably wouldn’t make it in time. Kelly said I shouldn’t really be up doing much so I was just hanging out with mum and Gemma on the couch. They came over and had lunch.
“So you still don’t know when Louis will be home?” Mum asked snaking on come cookies.
“Nope. I even tried calling Simon but he won’t talk to me. Part of me thinks he’s trying to keep us apart on purpose. Like he doesn’t want Louis to meet Juliet, but then I think that he wouldn’t because he’s not like that.” I sighed. “I just don’t want Louis to miss it.”
“Simon wouldn’t do that Harry. Surely not.” Mum said seriously.
“I don’t think he would.” Gemma added.
“I don’t know anymore. I haven’t seen them all for months. It’s just crazy. They’re all going to come back and I’m not going to know what’s going on. I don’t want to be left out any more than I am.” I said quietly.
“The boys won’t leave you out Haz. I bet once they get home they won’t leave this place. You’ll be wishing them away.” Gemma laughed trying to make me feel better.
“Not helping Gem.” I sighed.
“Why don’t we do something fun? Like go out.” Mum suggested.
“I can’t mum. That’s why we are here.” I groaned.
“Surely you can go out for a walk or something. Just to get out of the house.”
“Fine if it will stop you whining at me.” I sighed and got up, with difficultly.
“Poor Harry. Louis better get here in time or I’ll murder Simon.” I heard Gemma say rather loudly.
“I’ll help.” Mum mumbled. I went and put on my converse and we went out. It wasn’t as cold anymore but I still wore warm clothes. I didn’t want to attract attention, not now. We walked in the park for a bit until I got tired and we sat down.
“You guys don’t have to babysit me. I’m fine on my own.” I said seriously.
“We know but we just want to spend some time with you before the baby comes.” Mum smiled.
“You know, hang out.” Gemma added.
“No you’re trying to get my mind off Louis, and obviously it didn’t work. I don’t need distracting ok? I know Louis isn’t going to be here to see our baby be born and I know I’ll probably have to do everything alone but I don’t care! Just leave me alone!” I yelled and got up. Just then a massive pain shot through me and I collapsed holding my stomach. “OW!” I yelled.
“Harry? What’s wrong?” Mum asked quickly.
“Nothing I just-“ I was cut off by something running down my leg. My water broke. “My water just broke.” I said scared. “FUCK!”
“Ok calm down Harry, breathe. Gem go get the car and meet us at the front gate. Come on Harry. It’ll be ok.”
“Ok? I’m going to have my baby in a park!” I groaned as another pain hit. “It really hurts mum.”
“I know baby it will but once we get to the hospital they’ll give you something for it. We just have to hurry.” She said sternly.
“What about Lou? He needs to be here.” I sobbed. “I can’t do this without him.”
“I’ll call him on the way honey. It’ll be ok.” I nodded and walked slowly to the front gate of the park waiting for Gemma. She better hurry up, I was in a lot of pain here! “Here she comes, Harry get in and I’ll help you ok?” I nodded again as Gemma pulled up. We got in and she started driving to the hospital. Mum quickly grabbed my phone and dialled Louis’ number. “Louis Harry’s in labour.” She said harshly.

Louis’ POV
“Louis Harry’s in labour.” Anne yelled through the phone.
“He’s what?!” I yelled back, now panicking. “He isn’t due yet.”
“He’s going into early labour, we’re on our way to the hospital. Are you even coming?” She asked.
“I was just about to board the plane. I’m not going to make it in time. I’m not going to see her.” I cried. I knew this would happen. I knew I wasn’t going to make it in time.
“Louis you better make it here in time!” I heard Harry yell.
“Tell him I don’t think I will.” I sighed.
“Louis you try your best. That’s all that matters now.” Anne said quietly. I was letting them all down, worse I was letting Juliet down. She can’t even rely on her own dad.
“I’m going to try as hard as I can Anne. Tell him I love him and I’ll be there soon.”
“Ok Louis.” She sighed. I hung up and ran over to Paul, we were about to board our jet.
“Harry’s gone into labour. I can’t make it.” I panicked.
“He’s having the baby now?” Paul questioned. I nodded.
“Is there any way we can get there quicker?” I asked flustered. I really wanted to be there for him.
“I don’t know Lou. We can’t speed the plane.”
“I know but just a bit faster? I really need to be there. I don’t want to miss the birth of my child.” I said seriously.
“I know Lou. I’ll have a chat ok?” He smiled.
“Thanks Paul.” I nodded. He went and spoke to the pilot and he said he would try and make it as quick as possible. I was hoping I would make it alright and be there in time to see Juliet be born although I probably won’t. I don’t want Harry to be mad at me or Simon. I know it’s mainly his fault but I was only doing my job.
“We’ll make it Lou. Don’t worry.” Zayn smiled hugging me.
“I don’t think we will Zayn. There’s no way I can make it in time before he has to push. We’re 24 hours away, it won’t take that long.” I sighed.
“Paul’s trying his best bro. He’ll get you there.”
“I really hope he will or Harry’s going to kill me.” I groaned.

Harry’s POV
Meanwhile Mum and Gemma got me to the hospital in time. I was so happy to get some pain relief, no one told me how much it hurt. The nurses helped me into a bed and it was just a waiting game until Juliet decided to meet us. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. I want Louis to make it back in time to be here but mum said he wasn’t even on the plane yet. I know he won’t make it in time and I know he’ll be mad at himself. But I won’t be mad at him, I’ll be mad at Simon!
“Is everything ok baby?” Mum asked sitting beside me.
“Yeah I’m ok. Although the contractions are getting a bit closer.” I answered wincing a bit.
“They will from now on. I called Louis again and he was just taking off. They’re trying really hard to get here.”
“They won’t get here mum. I know they won’t. Louis isn’t going to see her with me, and I’m ok with that.” I nodded, although deep down I was crushed. I always imagined us doing this together and now it’s not going to happen.
“You don’t know that Harry. Louis could make it.”
“What I’m going to be in labour for 24 hours?! I don’t bloody think so.” I said seriously. “No, Louis is going to miss this but as long as he gets here in one piece it doesn’t matter.” I sighed. Just then another contraction hit. “Damn it!” I yelled loudly.
“I’m going to get the doctor to check you out ok baby?” Mum asked. I nodded as she walked out.
“Please prove me wrong Lou. Please be here for this.” I murmured as she returned with Kelly.
“Ok Harry. I’m going to take a look ok?”
“Yeah, be careful.” I said quietly. She laughed but nodded. I was in one of those hospital gowns things that make me feel really uncomfortable.
“Okay, you are ready to start pushing.” She said.
“NO! I can’t start without Louis, he’s not here.” I said, panicking. I can’t do this without Louis. He promised he would be here.
“I’m sorry Harry, there’s nothing I can do.” Kelly said sadly. I sighed, I can’t believe Louis is going to miss this.
“Okay, when I count to three push as hard as you can for 5 seconds.” Kelly instructed. I nodded, I was really scared. Louis’s not here to hold my hand and I’m not prepared for this.
“Okay, and 1, 2, 3 PUSH!” Kelly yelled, and I did, screaming in pain. It hurt more than I thought it would. “Okay again, 1, 2, 3.” She said, I pushed again, screaming in pain. “Okay, your almost there Harry. Just a few more pushes. I need you to push as hard as you can.” Kelly instructed. I nodded and she counted to three, and on three I pushed again. I just want this to be over, and I want Lou to be here. “Okay, just one more push, as hard as you can, Harry.” Kelly said. “1, 2, 3.” Kelly said, and on three I pushed as hard as I could, screaming louder than I have. I couldn’t stand the pain. I heard crying coming from somewhere in the room. I looked down and saw Kelly holding a baby, as another nurse wrapped it up in a pink blanket. “Congratulations harry, you have a beautiful baby girl.” Kelly smiled, handing me the baby.
“Oh she’s amazing.” I smiled wiping some goo off her. “Hi Juliet.” I laughed and kissed her head.
“She’s perfect Harry. Would you like us to clean her up?” Kelly asked. I didn’t want to let her go. I was afraid she wouldn’t come back, like Louis.
“Oh um ok. She’ll be alright though?” I asked.
“Yes. I’m just going to clean her and dress her for you.” Kelly laughed. I nodded and slowly handed her back to her as she walked off. I felt amazing. I didn’t care about the pain now, my baby was here and she was ok. That’s all that mattered.
“Louis not here?” I questioned as mum walked in.
“No Harry. I’m sorry.” She shook her head. I felt tears in my eyes. I knew he wouldn’t make it but I really hoped deep down he would.
“It’s ok. You wanna meet Juliet?” I asked.
“Of course. Where is my granddaughter?” Mum smiled sitting in a chair next to me. Kelly brought her over, dressed in a cute jumpsuit and wrapped in a pink blanket.
“Here she is.” She smiled passing her to mum.
“Oh Harry. She’s so beautiful.” I sighed and nodded watching her wriggle around. She already had small brown curls on the top of her head. She has Louis’ blue eyes mixed with my green ones. She was perfect.
“I know. I can’t wait for Louis to meet her.” I smiled. Mum nodded.
“He’ll be here soon baby. I know he will.”

2 hours later
Louis’ POV
I raced up the front steps of the hospital and almost ran into a woman with a crying baby.
“Sorry.” I apologised and kept running through to the reception. “Harry Styles.” I asked the woman. She typed slowly on her computer keyboard and looked at me.
“Room 103, maternity.” She answered dryly. I mumbled a thanks and took the elevator up to the maternity ward. Please don’t let me be late! I prayed. I made my way up the hallway and found his room. I opened the door slowly to see him holding something in his arms. I was too late. He was rocking Juliet back and forth and talking to her.
“Your daddy loves you baby, don’t think he doesn’t just because he isn’t here. He’ll be here soon and he’ll be so excited to meet you. He’s been talking about seeing you for so long. He thought of your name, Juliet. I thought it was perfect. Daddy loves us both and we’re going to be the perfect family little one. I promise.” He smiled and kissed her head.
“I’m sorry.” I cried walking in. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here.”
“Lou?” Harry asked turning around. “You’re here.”
“Hey baby.” I smiled. I walked over and sat on the bed next to him. “She’s perfect.”
“I know. You wanna hold her?” He asked. I nodded quickly and he passed her to me.
“Hey Juliet.” I smiled tears in my eyes. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to see you baby girl.” I sniffed.
“She won’t mind. As long as you never leave us again.” Harry smiled cheekily.
“I won’t ever leave you both again Harry. I love you so much and I can’t wait to start our family journey together. So…” I wriggled around trying to get the box out of my pocket. “Will you marry me?” I asked.
“Lou.” He gasped. “Of course I will.” He smiled tears in his eyes as we kissed and I put the ring on his finger. “And I love you too.”
“And we love you Juliet.” I smiled and kissed her little head.
“Welcome to our family Juliet Tomlinson-Styles.” Harry smiled. We ended up staying there all night. Watching our baby. I can’t wait to get home and start being a dad. I know we’ll be The Perfect Fathers.

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