Chapter 5~Doors Shut

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I wake up to sunlight spilling in through the windows. I must be in the Middlelands since there is sun here. I sit up and push the curtains aside. Yes, definitely the Middelands because the sun was setting. The bright blue sky was another indicator that i was no longer in the Backlands. I lay back down, pulling the dark blanket up to my chin once again. I yawn and surrender to my invading dreams.

When i open my eyes again, it is bright, so bright. I must be in the Forelands now. Here, the sky was always a lustrous beacon of light shining down on the entire land. How did anyone get any sleep here? The light hurts my eyes and i am forced to blink until my eyes stop watering. I was used to darkness and shadows, not blinding light. Even with my eyes closed, it still seared through my eyelids. I could almost feel the light burning me from the outside in. I let out some of my dark shadows to create a bubble around me. That was better. With the light not so blinding now, i could finally look around as the carriage moved towards the capitol of the Forelands: Skye. The name was ironic since, technically, the Forelands had no sky, just an endless ocean of light beaming down upon the entirety of the realm.

I size up Skye Castle as we approach. It was about the same size as Nightshade Castle. The main difference was that it was made of white stone, instead of the dark stone used at Nightshade Castle back home. Only one entrance and exit that i can see but this was merely the grand entrance. There must be a servant entrance somewhere. I would need to find a map in order to know where it was. The servant entrance would be my means of escape if i encounter any trouble on my mission here. My Father's voice pounds in the corner of my mind. Over and over: "...go into the Forelands...", " their plans..." . These two orders ultimately control my thoughts of everything. I was not able to drown the orders out, i could not focus on anything but my mission. But i had to.

Hooves click on the wooden pathway. We had left our shadow horses behind since they were unable to live in light. We had traded for horses from the Middlelands and then again for Forelander horses with specialized eyes for living in constant light. Beneath us lies a huge pool of water with movement in it. I did not want to find out what lurked below the surface of that water. Of course, Nightshade Castle had no need for monsters in our own moat. We were already monsters and our moat was made of hot lava. Nothing and no being in their right mind would want to get into Nightshade Castle for fear of much more than their lives. I smirk at the thought of the last being who thought they could sneak into Nightshade Castle. I watched the being's public execution from the side of the stage.

Before i see anything else, we are over the bridge and inside the walls of Skye Castle. The carriage slows and eventually stops. The smell of something earthy floats to me. Flowers. I push my disgust away. I did not understand how the Forelanders could stand such despicable things. But of course, i only understood few ways of the Forelanders. Footsteps sound and then the carriage driver open the door. I step out into the bright realm after schooling my features into neutrality.

I am met by a squad of guards. The lead one says their queen sent them to escort her to her rooms. I sneer at him with a glare that can kill. How dare they send simple guards to escort me. The queen herself should escort me in this matter. Sending guards was a disgrace and a sign of disrespect to the Backlander Throne. The leader of the squad of guards seems a little disturbed with escorting me into Skye Castle. But that does not mean he shows no fear. I can see the fear literally falling off of the guard in waves. Despite my anger at the queen herself no coming, which i will have to talk to her about when i finally met her at last, i nod to the guards to lead me to my rooms. The guards do not deserve my words. I secretly loathe the colorful blooms as i am led down a stone pathway leading towards Skye Castle.

The halls of Skye Castle as just as bright as the realm itself. I contain my glare and my neutral face seems to unnerve the guards around me. I sense their discomfort. When we finally arrive at my rooms, the lead guard opens the door for me. At the very least, they have the decency of opening the door for me, the future ruler of the Backlands. If not for that, i would have been outright outraged at the queen's treatment of the heir of the Backlander Throne. It just goes to show how they think that they will control all three realms. They are just biding their time until all is theirs. But that will not happen. I slam the door in the lead guard's face, not saying anything or even looking back. I lock it behind me.

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