Chapter 11~Too Bright

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The annual Foreland ball was in two days and preparations were the only thing on the minds of everyone in the castle. I did not understand why it was such a big deal. I was just looking forward to seeing Father and telling him of what i had learned. Everything had happened so quickly that i still can not believe what i know and how easy it was to find it. I was currently spending my time catching up on some much needed sleep. I had skipped dinner last night and my stomach was growling but i ignored my hunger. I did not want to get up.

I was interrupted in my trying to sleep by the Prince. He bursts into my rooms and demands for me to get out of bed. My answer is a groan and i roll over onto my other side, facing away from the Prince.

"I do not accept that as an answer, come on, get up", the Prince is still standing at the side of my bed.

"Why are you even here?", i grumble.

"Where else would i be?"

"I could think of a million places of where else you could be. You are not supposed to be in here."

"Well i am so what are you going to do about it?", he taunts.

"I can kick you out", i state.

"You will not."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because i just know."

I roll back over so that i am facing the Prince. He looks at me with an innocent expression on his face to which i respond to with a frown. He clicks his tongue, all the while shaking his head at me.

"How can you be sleeping on a day like this?"

"A day like what?"

"A sunny day with the ball being tomorrow!"


"So, are you serious? All you have to say is so? What is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with YOU?"

The Prince shakes off my question and goes over to the windows. He pulls open the curtains one by one and i cover my eyes with the covers on my bed.

"Turn it off", i graon.

"Why, do you not like the sun?"

"No, i do not. I prefer darkness and shadows", i give him a flat, dull look, "I am from the Backlands should you remember..."

"How could i forget? You hate the light...", a grin spreads across the Prince's face and he raises a hand.

"What are you do--"

Light shines into my face and i cover my eyes again. The Prince is using his magic. I had not seen it before but i suspected that he had it; light magic in the ruling family of the Forelands was a family trait. But i was known for darkness and so i throw it out in a shield that spreads through the air, extinguishing all light in the room. I hear a noise and a second later, the Prince mutters a few curse words. He must have run into something. I let a little light back into the pitch black room so that the Prince can see although i do not need any light since my vision in darkness is excellent.

"Do you mind?", the Prince asks me through the darkness, motioning with his hand the blackness wrapping around him and all the way throughout the rest of the room.

"Yes, i would mind", i finally sit up in bed and let out a yawn, "this is much better."

"Well i still can not see anything..."

I see the Prince try to bring light into the room again but he is not able to, my darkness is too strong for his light to overpower.

"What? Are you afraid of the dark Prince?"

"No, just a little uneasy of what might be lying in wait in the dark."

"So are you still afraid even though i created this darkness?", i wait expectantly for his reply.

"No, i could never be afraid of your dark since i know that it is you", his teeth slice through the darkness as he forces a smile out.

"You should be."

"Then should you be afraid of my light also."

"Maybe", i admit, "but light does not leave people blind."

"It leaves you blind."

"Good point", i admit.

I release my hold on the shadows, just leaving them over the windows so that the only light that came through my shadows was very dim light.

"Come on already, get up and get dressed, i have to show you something", the Prince insists.

"Why?", i shrug.

"Because i want to show you something so...just do it."

"I do not enjoy being told what to do", i point out.

"Of course you do not", the Prince breathes, "please, just come."

"Alright, fine. But only because i want you to stop bothering me so that i can get some sleep in this place."

"Deal", the Prince smiles another one of his easy smiles.

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