Chapter 9~The Game

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The next morning, the Prince arrives at my door to take me to the stables to see the new mare. Since i got barely any sleep, i look terrible. When i open the door, the Prince takes one look at me and bursts into laughter. I give him such a glare that he chokes on his laughter.

"Do not...say...anything...Prince. But if you must, go on. I dare you", i angle him with another stare, tempting him to say anything about my appearance.

The Prince looks me up and down. My eyes had huge bags under them and my nails were bitten down. My darkness was denser than usual and hung around me, making me seem as if i were a black ghost.

"I was just going to say...", the Prince mumbles, "that..."

"No, Prince. Do not...say anything. I already know."

"Of course you do. Also, when are you going to remember..." the Prince drifts off, "that i told you to call me Ty and not 'Prince'."

"Prince", i raise my eyebrows, daring him to try correcting me again.

He swallows his response, his gaze hardening and softening at the same time.

I scoff and put my head down, trying to hide my face from passing servants who might be giving information to the queen about my reactions. The Prince bumps into me. My mouth drops open and i pause. How dare he--

"Oops", the Prince gives a smirk, "if you do not like it, then try to catch me."

The Prince takes off down the hallway, running around the corner. I do not hesitate. I run after him. The Prince is faster than he looks. After a few turns and going down a flight of stairs, the door bangs closed behind him. I burst outside. The sunlight blinds me and i hiss, throwing my arm up to cover my eyes. After a second of adjusting to the bright light that i was stupid enough to come out into, i look around. I see the stables off to one side but no sign of the Prince...

I walk towards the stables, my eyes scanning either side of the walkway, looking for the Prince. I do not see him anywhere. On the right side of the pathway lie the stables while on the left of the pathway, lies a small pond with flowers around it. I know none of them by name. The only useful plants in the Backlands were poisonous plants. Father only grew poisonous plants in the Backlands. No other plants survived in the Backlands anyway. I look out at the pond, walking to its edge. It was peaceful looking.

Something bumps into my shoulder and i jump, swinging a leg out. However, i make no sound. Another lesson: never alert your opponent to your surprise, it only encourages them. A startled yelp comes from my attacker and i aim, ready to flip him but stop short. It was the Prince. His arms spin at his sides and he falls down, into the water of the pond. Two seconds later, he pops up and frowns at me.

"Hey, what was that for?", he holds out a hand, "can you help me up?"

I hesitate but then realize that i was obligated to pull him out since i did, technically push him in.

"Sorry", i say while grasping his hand and beginning to pull, "i did not mean--"

I let out my own startled yelp as he pulls me and i fall in as well. I flail in the water, sucking in huge gulps of pond water. I have not swum in a very long time but i learned how to, in training. I go up to the surface of the water. The Prince is there smirking at me.

"Payback", he grins wildly, "Actually, i am surprised you fell for it."

I splash him in response, then go to the edge of the pond to get out of the water. My clothes are soaking wet and feel heavy. I sit at the water's edge and try to wring water out of my pants and tunic but it barely does anything. I am still very wet and dripping water everywhere. I stand up with a huff. How dare the Prince push me into the water? My annoyance rolls off me in waves and i glare at the prince so hard i half expect holes to start smoldering.

The Prince pulls himself out of the water and stands up. He holds his hand out to help me stand and since i highly doubt that he would push me into the water again, i take it and he pulls me to my feet. Although, right before i let go of his hand, i grab his arm and push him back into the water, a wicked grin on my face. He does not even get a chance to let out any sound. He comes up to the surface of the water.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"Payback", i say, copying his earlier statement, "I feel better now."

I spin on my heel and head towards the stables, leaving a trail of water in my wake. The Prince says something but i do not stick around to hear what he has to say. I get back on the pathway and force myself to walk slowly to the stables, not run as i really wanted to at that moment. What was getting into me? I had to stay focused. "...Go into the Forelands...", " their plans..." .

When i approach the entrance to the stables, a wide archway, i go through it but then stop just inside of the building. I lean against the wall for a second, trying to sort through what just happened. A neigh sounds from farther back in the stables, though, and i start moving towards it yet was not able to remember when i decided to start moving. I reach one of the last stalls on the right side of the line of stalls. A mare looks out at me. I hold my hand towards her for the mare to sniff my fingers. The horse gives a huff of mutual agreement and turns around, putting her rear end to me.

"Silia does not like anyone. Do not take any offense to it."

When i turn, i find the Prince moving towards me, motioning to the horse with his hand. He drips water everywhere and his hair clings to his face, causing him to push it out of the way. However, i most likely look the exact same way and do not comment on his appearance.

"The mare?"

"Yes, she is the new mare but she does not like anyone. At least", the Prince looks determined, "not yet anyway."

"Oh, i see", i claim.

My heavy braid full of water falls into my face and i hastily push it behind my shoulder. The Prince stares at me for a second before staring off at some point behind me, an unreadable expression on his face. I had never seen that expression before.

"What?", i snap.

The Prince looks up at me, opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again, closes it.

"Answer me", i say again, getting annoyed at the Prince although my snideness makes him smirk at me.

"Back to your disparaging and sarcastic ways i see", the Prince makes a tsking sound at me and i step back.

"If you think i am so rude, then what are you?"

"What am i? I am...well...i am the opposite, i think", he taps a finger on his chin, "you just like to question other people to the point that makes them want to strangle you to keep you quiet but i believe that you are making progress. Or, you were, but now..."

"Sometimes i want to strangle you", i mumble.

"What did you say?", the Prince leans closer.



"Nothing", i level a glare at him, daring him to correct me.

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