Supernatural Creatures List: Part One

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Acheri is a type of demon that exist in the form of a little girl. Though a special type of demon, they're lower than Black-eyed demons, definitely power-wise.

Powers & Abilities:
★ Body Materialization
★ Shapeshifting
★ Superhuman Strength
★ Invisibility
★ Superhuman speed

★ Salt: They aren't able to cross or touch a line of salt.
★ Iron: Like demons they can't touch or cross iron.


An Alpha is the progenitor of a line of supernatural beings - AKA: The original monster. According to lore they have a connection with all their "offspring" which allows the Alpha to locate them. Unlike their lower counterparts, the Alpha are stronger and more resistant to anything thrown at them that would normally at least hurt their "offspring". They originate from the Mother of All.

Known Alphas:
Alpha Vampire
Alpha Shapeshifter
Alpha Demon


The Amazons are an all-female race of near-human creatures. They are a tribe of warrior women who had no need for males, except for reproduction. They made a deal with Harmonia to save them from extinction, and she made them more than human, turning them into monsters. Tradition is very important to them, after mating, the child is created, must kill their father as a sign of initiation, they do this by first cutting off his limbs, and carving a symbol into there chest, before killing them.

Powers & Abilities:
★ Superhuman Strength
★ Superhuman speed

★ They can be killed as easily as a normal human

Known Amazons:
Emma's mom, Lydia


Angels are a spiritual race of celestial winged holy beings native to Heaven. They are extremely powerful beings that were created by God. But although both angels and humans were created by God, angels are very different and far supernaturally superior to humans. Their true form is nothing less of righteous monstrosities with one to six feathered wings, and can be as tall as skyscrapers in New York.

Powers & Abilities:
Celestials are extremely powerful beings that possess a wide range of powers and abilities.
★ Angelic Possession ★ Induced Sedation
★ Teleportation ★ Invulnerability
★ Telekinesis ★ Voice Mimicry
★ Superhuman Strength ★ Healing
★ Killing Touch ★ Resurrection
★ Time Manipulation ★ Immortality
★ Telepathy ★ Soulreading
★ Memory Manipulation ★ Astral Projection
★ SPN Perception & Senses ★ Reality Warping
★ Photographic Memory

Angels are very hard to kill. But, there are methods to stop or kill an angel.

★ Blood Seal: If a person places his or her hand upon this blood seal that is placed upon a solid surface then all angels in the immediate area will be banished away.

★ Exorcism Chant: There is an exorcism chant to expel angels from their human vessels and send them back to heaven.

★ Holy Fire: The best way to trap an angel is to place them within a circle of burning holy oil. The angel will not be able to leave the circle. If an angel touches holy fire then not only will the human vessel be destroyed and die, a low ranking angel can be killed as well.

★ Angelic Blade: An angel can be killed by stabbing him or her with an angelic blade. It seems that the angel must be stabbed in a vital area of the human body, such as the head, heart, neck, or stomach. When an angel is stabbed by an angelic blade, a burst of bright, white light is released and angel wings are burned on the surface underneath the body of the angel's human vessel

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