Part Three

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Hellhounds are deadly supernatural creatures which serve demons for various reasons. Described as demonic pitbulls, hellhounds appear most often as servants for Crossroad Demons, collecting the souls of people whose deals are come due. Hellhounds can only be seen by those whom they have come for, making them a sort of reaper of the damned. When not under the employ of Crossroads Demons, Hellhounds sometimes act as foot soldiers and guard dogs.

Powers & Abilities:
★ Enhanced speed
★ Enhanced senses
★ Invisibility

★ Salt
★ Death's Scythe
★ Goofer Dust
★ Archangel Blade
★ Devil's Shoe String
★ The Colt
★ Demon-Killing Knife


Hookman is a creature of urban legend. The hook man story has been told many times and there is many different versions as well. He summoned by someone to take revenge on those the person thinks deserve it.

Powers & Abilities:
★ The ability to appear anywhere, anytime
★ Teleportation
★ Claws
★ Superhuman Strength


★ Salt: Since he is a spirit, salt can be used to slow him down.

★ Remains: Spirits can only be killed by their remains.

Jefferson Starships

Jefferson Starships are new monster hybrids created by Eve as a test subject to see if she could create the ultimate supernatural creature. They are named by Dean Winchester after the band formed in the early 1970's. He stated that his reason was "Because they're horrible and hard to kill.". They are a combination of most of the monsters Sam and Dean have faced. They have the teeth of a Vampire and the spike of a Wraith. They can also shift into whatever they want,whenever they want.

They have to be beheaded by a silver blade to be killed.

Khan Worm

The Khan Worm, named by Dean Winchester, is a new type of supernatural creature created recently by Eve, Mother of All. There is no official name for it, as it is a new, and humans have not given it a proper name.

Powers & Abilities:
It that can enter a person's body through the ear and control their actions. While possessing a person, it greatly enhances the strength of its host. The hosts retain no memory of the time when the Khan Worm was controlling them.

★ Electricity: when the Khan Worm was electrocuted it caused it pain and then caused it to die, when it was inside Bobby.


A Kitsune is a monster that, in appearance, looks very similar to werewolves. Kitsune's seem to be very rare and uncommon. They feed on a certian part of the brain to live, and without it, they will die. Kistunes looks like a regular human being but have the ability to partially shapeshift themselves into animal-like qualities. A Kitsune's primary weapon is their claws; they can extend claws from their finger tips upon demand. And, if they are feeding or attacking, their eyeballs turn yellow and fox-like while the pupils narrow. All in all they take on a very similar appearance a werewolf does.

Powers & Abilities:
★ Enhanced Strength
★ Claws
★ Speed

★ Heart destruction: A Kitsune can only be killed by being stabbed in the heart with a knife or dagger. This is the only know method to kill them.

Known Kitsunes:
Amy Pond
Amy's Mom


Lamias, As most of the other creatures that appear in the series, they can look like normal women that seduce young human men. One of their features is that they squeeze their victims' hearts and suck their blood. In addition, as it is implied, they can transform into a non-human form, which apparently has large claws.

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