Chapter 5: Her Girlfriend..?

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Ayano POV

I went out and asked Osoro W-what?! why Osoro? She then replied I'll tell you when the time is right but please Ayano. Be my Girlfriend? She said the last part..differently? Alright then. Tell me what I need to know for me to pass as your girlfriend. Oh uhhh Ayano I think we should head bed they did said that they'll be ariving at noon and also...they are asking us to pick them up...C-can you not attend school? Don't worry my parents will be the one who talk to the principle about this. She said. Oh no worries but why would they need to tell the principle? I mean I will only be absent for a day. Well I think my parents...will ask you to join us if ever we go on a trip...around Japan Of course Osoro said while scrathing the back of her neck. I just realized she said please earlier. She's not bad as I expected but then again she is letting me sleep at her house but why does she have to lie to her parents. More importantly WHY DID SHE SAY SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND?! I THOUGHT SHE'S STRAIGHT. I just thought... Are we gonna share a bed? Before I ask Osoro about that she already answered. Don't worry you'll have the bed and I'll have the floor. O-oh..but the floor is not comfortable... Hmm? Well your more important so you'll get the bed. She smiled while saying that while I was shocked at what she said and it made me blush. She looked at me confused for a second and realize what she said. O-oh I didn't mean it l-like that. She said while her cheeks are only a shade of pink. U-uhh Osoro t-thank you for the hospitality but please...don't sleep on the floor...I mean the bed is big so...i-its fine with me as well.. Oh. I guess you want to hug me huh? Haha I'll give you the pleasure to do so. She said that with a grin. I can tell she's fooling around. I got to ask. Osoro why did you tell your parents you have a girlfriend? I thought your into boys. Well the truth is Ayano I'm into girls...I mean wasn't it obvious? You saw me almost naked and I had a bandage (Don't know what is called) around my chest part. So? You got injured right? Osoro chuckled. I guess you don't know other girls who are into girls huh? Well this bandage makes my chest look flatter. With that I will look less feminine. Osoro then layed on the bed and I followed laying beside her. Well Ayano lights off now. Goodnight Osoro. Goodnight...Aya


Osoro POV

I woke up before Ayano and to my surprise I was hugging her. I don't usually hug what ever or whoever is sleeping next to me but if its baby then I will definately hug her but Ayano. I can get a chance to look at her pretty face. She looks so peaceful. Her lips that are smiling looks so cute and kiss-able at the same time. What am I thinking? Hmm could it be possible? Is it still there?

Ayano POV

I woke up but Osoro wasn't here with me. I pouted then I went to the bathroom to wash my face and I was hoping Osoro was there but she wasn't. I was about to go out of the bathroom but I saw a door. I shouldn't snoop around. I just shrugged it off and decided to go find the living room. As I was headinf down stairs I smell something. Hmmm just the smell is mouth-watering. Does Osoro have maids or a cook? I followed the smell and to my surprise. I saw Osoro with her back facing me. She was wearing a black and white apron. How cute she doesn't to get messy. Hmm I want pay back for the teasing she has done. I slowly went to her back and hugged her from behind. As I thought her reaction is priceless. WHAT THE F- A-ayano?! What has gotten into you? She said with a beet-red face. I laughed at her while she just glared at me. I suddenly heard something or someone running. Oh no she's awake.. Osoro whispered I almost didn't hear it. W-who? I asked feeling a lil' scared. I faced the other way and I was tackled by a...bear? WHAT THE HECK?! OSORO HELP THE BEAR IS GOING TO EAT MEEEE.! I didn't see Osoro because this bear is so big I can only see it. I was about to shout again but it suddenly licked me. What the? Its a dog?! It suddenly barked and got off me and sat down next to Osoro who was standing and it looked like she was trying to contain her laugh. I glared at her and she burst into laughter. I can't believe you thought Fluffy was a bear. I stared at the dog while Osoro was petting its head. Osoro then walked to me and offered her hand to help me up and I accept it. I looked at the dog who was also looking at me with its tail wagging. I guess she likes you Ayano. Why did you say that? Well she did gave you a hug and now she's wagging her tail at you. She normally barks at the people who have been here. Osoro sat at the table at the center where the food is already. I sat at the opposite of her. You cook? Well duhh my parents are not here so who will cook for me? The cook, the maid Your rich remember? She sighed and got upt and started making two coffee? Just because I'm rich I'm spoiled? Well I guess I am spoiled but still. I treat people who are older with respect and a reason why I don't have maids or a cook right now because I like to keep my privacy. Hmmm since my parents are coming they will hire cooks and maids for the meantime. She then went back to the seat with two cups and gave me one I said thank you ans it wasn't coffee. It was hot chocolate. Hmm. She started eating and so did I. The dog was already eating. It pushes one of fhe bowl to the feet of Osoro and went back to its other food to continue to eat the dog food. I saw a small smile on Osoro's face and she poured milk on the bowl and put it beside the dog. She went back and continued to eat. She then started to explain all the things I need to know.

Osoro: Ayano...uhh later my parents and my sister will be ariving. My mother's name is Yuri Shidesu. My father is Hunter Thomson-Shidesu and my sister is Mutsumi Shidesu. We use my mother's last name.
Ayano: What should I call them?
Osoro: Well before they introduced themselves to you call my parents something formal I guess.
Ayano: -nods-
Osoro: My sister might...Uhhh be suspicious of you...
Ayano: Why?
Osoro: Uhhh s-she's just like that to my past girlfriends...
Ayano: Oh. Shouldn't I know some things that you like and dis likes? Maybe as well as some of your past girlfriends? So it will look like your open with your girlfriend.
Osoro: We're starting to get there. Geez impatient much Aya? Oh that reminds me thats your nickname me oso from now on...
Ayano: -Almost spits out the food she's eating- So don't get my hopes up huh?
Osoro: S-shut up!
Ayano: Okay okay I will
Osoro: Now all the things I'm about to say will only be said if they ever ask you. These are my likes and dislikes. Don't you dare spread these in school or else you'll wish you never met me.
Ayano: Yeah yeah whatever I swear I won't say a word. Now tell me
Osoro: I'm a dog lover as you can see. Her name is Princess Fluffy. I know it sounds like a cat name but I called her that. I like the color black, white and purple and no I'm not into occult stuff. I wear bandages around my body not to look tough but it supports  the parts covering it because whenever I play without those it'll hurt like hell. I can drive. Both 4 wheels and 2 wheels. I have a license but I can't go telling anyone because I am still underage but the police knows my family so they allowed me but I have to keep it a secret. I guess you know this already but a lot of girls and also boys wants to hook up with me. Even the female barrista I was talking to last night. When we are together in public and some people are glaring at you or whatever don't mind them.
Ayano: Won't they like want to hurt me? The female barrista last night looked like she can slap a bit-... You know what I mean
Osoro: -holds Ayano's hands tightly looking all serious- I won't let them. I'll protect you Ayano
Ayano: e-ehh? -blushing- I-i can take care or myself
Osoro: Sure you can -pinches Ayano's cheeks while smiling- You look c-.. O-oh look at the time. We better get ready. I'll tell you more in the car.

~Time skip to the car ride because I'm lazy~

Osoro POV

Hey Ayano I mean...Aya... umm are there anythings that I should not do? Like hugs and what not. Ayano just kept looking out the window while answering my question. No...just nothing too much kay? I nodded and I held Ayano's hand while the other is still controlling the wheel. How about this Aya? Ayano giggled. You know thats fine. Well we are girls so its expected for us to hold hands. Oh? then how about this. I kissed her hand and from the corner of my eye I saw her blush. Now that looks more than friends. We pulled up and I got outof the car quickly and went to the other side to open Ayano's door. She smiled and said thank you. Was that nesscesary? We were walking towards the airport and Ayano automatically held my hand it caused me to blush...A tiny bit. We were still near the entrance and then I saw 3 people...with bodyguards around them.
Oh here we go...

Hey guys Miss author here ^-^ sorry for not updating in like a week? I was kinda busy....Well to be honest I got addicted in playing with the Ps4 O.O Sorryyyy but I hoped you liked this chapter.. I guess its kinda long? But anyways peace out whuumans

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