He realizes his feelings for chu/ His P.O.V

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Jeff ze Killer

Jeffrey's P.O.V { Jeff: don't call me that! Me: Bish fuck off}

Why is it that every time I see her bright ( E/C ) eyes and we lock eyes, my heart stops and my face heats up?Why is it that every time she smiles, I can't help but smile along with her? Why is it that when I hear giggle or laugh, no matter how hard I try, I can't take my eyes off her? " Auuuuugh!" I groaned in frustration siting up in my bed and looking at the wall, which was so interesting for some reason. I keep staring at the wall for some while trying to answer the questions that kept flowing in and out of my head. My eyes widened, " c-c-could it b-be?" I whisper to myself as I compare the way I act when I'm around her and when I'm not. My eyes widened even more if thats even possible at this point and I feel my face heat up. " I'm  in love..." I whispered to myself.

Sorry it's short ;∆;


Laughing Jackaboy

Jackaboy's P.O.V { L.J : J-J-Jackaboy? Me: Shatap...}

" BYE JACK, SEE YOU LATER", " BYE (Y/N)!",  I yelled in response as my smile slowly fell and my eyes lost there cheery glow as ( Y/N ) faded and disappeared as she woke up and was pulled away from my dream carnival of shadows. I sighed not understanding why I always got all gloomy and empty feeling when ( Y/N ) left. I teleported to the Slender-Mansion, slowly and quietly walking to my room, closing the door and glomping my candy shaped pillow as I tried to forget about her. Jason { the toymaker } and Candy POP walked in with worried looks as I turned my face towards them, sitting up on my black and white bed filled with empty candy wrappers here and there. " Hey are you ok man?" Jason spoke up sitting next to me on my bed, Candy POP following behind him, " yeah, you seem...... awfully..." Candy spoke looking for the right words. " I know, I know..." I sighed, " whats wrong?" Candy POP and Jason asked in unison with worried expressions. " It's that girl ( Y/N ) I have been telling you guys about lately, I can't seem to get her out of my head, and when she leaves I...I get all gloomy and empty feeling for some reason... I CANT GET HER OUT OF MY HEAD AND ITS CONFUSING ME AS TO WHY IM FEELING THIS WAY!", I yelled in frustration confused. Jason and Candy POP's eyes widened as they looked at each other with expressions of surprise, " WHAT?" I asked confused and now angered. They both looked at me, " Dude I think you're in..... " Candy POP started " Love.... " Jason finished looking at me along with Candy Pop. My face heated up as my eyes widened in realization, I'm in love with none other than ( Y/N ) ( L/N )...


Mr. Slenderp { huehuehueheueheueheheh}

Slenderp's P.O V { Slender: For Fucks sake Octavia...}

Slenderp's P.O.V

I walked through my forest with mask, Hoddy, and Ticci Toby putting up papers throughout the woods. I couldn't help but think of ( Y/N ), the way she smiled that beautiful smile of hers, the way her ( H/C and H/L ) would dance with the air as she walked, the way her angelic,silky voice would enter my ears. " uhhh, S-s-slender are y-y-you o-ok?" I heard Toby ask as I snapped out of my thoughts, " Why yes child, why would you ask?" I responded. The three Proxy's look at each other and then towards me, " Y-you have b-been extremely.... J-Joly lately" Hoody responded, I rose an " eyebrow" in a questioning way, " N-N-NOT T-T-THATS W-WRONG OR  A-A-ANYTHING, YOU J-J-J-JUST SEEM REALLY R-REALLY H-H-HAPPY L-LATELY" he quickly shouted scared I was mad or something. I sigh, " it's nothing, I guess I'm just...." the Proxy's looked waiting for me to finish, " I think I might have found my special someone." I said placing another one of my papers on a random tree far away from the others. They looked at me with what seemed to be excited, happy expressions smiling. " T-t-that's great S-slender!" Toby said while smiling under his mouth guard, " Yes, yes it is " I said heading towards the mansion with the Proxy's following close behind as they whispered within them selves about my little crush. I couldn't help but chuckle at their actions as we continued walking.

Sorry I didn't know what to do for Mr. Slenderp ;^;


Benjamin Drownedz { Benjamin: * sighs walking away*  Me: wuuuut? }

Benjamin's P.O.V

I teleported in a flurry of green and black codes and numbers inside the Slender mansion from a little killing spree since ( Y/N ) was busy. I started walking down the hall, a right turn, down the stairs, and through 2 black doors with gaming stickers into the gaming room. Herobrine, Sonic.exe, Dark Link, Mario.exe, Glitchy Red, and Lost Silver where there chilling waiting for me to come so we could all play some C.O.D and shit. After about 13 rounds of me loosing badly, the others started getting worried and asking if I was ok. " I don't know man, I think its that chick ( Y/N ) you've been talking about." Herobrine responds after I told them I was "fine", " you think so?" I ask curios as to if that was why I was so distracted. " Yah man, I think Hero's right, after all, you have been talking about her non-stop lately..." Sonic.exe responds. I sighed in frustration bringing my knees up tp my face, I looked up at them, " what do I do?" I ask honestly not knowing what the fuck to do at this point. The guys looked at each other when Lost Silver spoke up, " I-I t-t-think y-you're i-in l-l-love  B-ben..." the other guys nod in response and I start to have a little panic attack. After 30 mins of me having my little panic attack, and the guys calming me down I kept wondering, "what the hell do I do? Do I tell her? Would she even like a guy like me? What if she hates me? What if someone takes her from me before I even tell her??", as if the guys were reading my mind { they most likely were XD } they told me to calm down and not have another panic attack. " Just tell her man, the more you hold it in, the more its gonna get to you." Glitchy Red told me, the others nodded in agreement as I sighed, " Fine, I still got to figure how I'm going to tell her though.." I said trying to think of an idea. " why not some flowers? Bitches love flowers right?" Mario .exe said " Ya, you said she's a gamer, why not buy her a game or something? " Dark Link said looking over at me. I though about it and smiled, " Thats exactly what I'm going to do!" I got up walking towards the door, " Thanks guys, I'll tell you how it goes!" They nodded as I heard Dark shout, " GET SOME BEN!" before I left making me turn as red as a tomato and chuckle.


Le waffle king Ticci Toby <3

Le waffle king's P.O.V { Toby: I like you! Me: yay! Toby: waffles? Me: HELL YAH! nomnomnomnom}

Me, Masky, and Hoody were walking through the woods towards the Slender mansion after killing some people we were assigned to kill by Slendy. I was lost in though thinking about ( Y/N ) and her shiny ( H/L and H/C ), her amazing ( E/C ) eyes, her smooth ( S/C ) skin when I was interrupted, " TOBY? TOBY? HEY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?" I heard Masky shout as we came to a halt. I looked at them blushing in embarrassment apologizing. * Sigh * " What where you thinking of anyways, waffles?" Masky asked as we started walking away, " N-no actually, I-i-i w-w-was thinking a-a-about ( Y-Y/N ) a-actually" I said looking up at the star filled sky, " Y-you mean t-that girl you h-h-have been t-talking about l-lately? " Hoody asks, I nod my head as I closed my eyes letting the cool night air hit me softly. " You must love her or something if she's keeping you from thinking about waffles..." Mask says turning his head towards me smirking under his mask I presume. I turned to look at him as well coming to a halt. " Y-you t-t-think s-so?" I ask as Hoody and Masky stop and look at each other before nodding. I start walking again thinking about it, " H-heh, I-I-I guess I'm i-in l-l-love" I say quietly as we reach the mansion.


PS: If anyone has another Creppyasta or Proxy they would like me to add, please tell me in the comments below!!

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