Chapter 2

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Allison's pov

"Mate????" Lisa said wide eyed

"Yes when me and the guys were looking for pop it hit me like vanilla and roses I went looking for it and it was gone then they called me and lisa.. my dad is so messed up not even wolf healing can fix him..." I said with tears forming in my eyes

"Hey don't say that" she said and hugged me

"Lisa I can't lose my father... my father is the only thing keeping me together.. if i lose him I'm gonna go crazy" I said and I burst into tears.

My dad and me have been two peas in a pod he took me every where he could even to some of his meetings they even would bring a set of toys when I was little to play with. My dad isn't like any other father out there he's the best a daughter can get always gave me the best advice like he was a best friend but also my father. We never had a fight in my life he always loved me even if I did something wrong. He would get mad but his eyes would soften every time he looked at me and he forgave me. My dad is my rock, and I'm his. Losing my father would be like a wolf losing there mate. They would die themselves. Losing a mate is like losing a part of your soul. Me losing my dad would rip me apart in ways I can never describe.

"Ally" I heard I looked up to see my brother he has tears in his eyes he may be 3 but he's a smart kid. He always knows when something is wrong.

"Hey kai" I said

"Where's pop pop" he said pop pop is a nickname he calls our dad.

"Pop pop is sick right now kai" I said and he walked to me and opened his arms for me to pick him up.

"Is pop pop hurt?" He said with his bottom lip quivering.

"Yes but pop pop is very strong" I said and he put his head on my shoulder and I rocked him back and forth until he fell asleep.

It's been a few hours and my dad hasn't woken up my mom is going crazy making sure the pack doctor does everything she can. Here I sit. In front of my messed up dad. Mari took kai back the pack house and put him to bed. I looked at my dad and my heart just broke.

"Hey pop" I said and sniffed.

"Me and mom can't make this without you. Mom is driving the pack doctor up the wall. I'm going crazy and just don't know what to do. Parker is off at some damn camp and I don't know why the heck to do" I said and held his hand

"Pop I can't lose you. Not now. Your supposed to stay here your supposed to be as old as grandpa live to be five hundred years old watch my pups grow up and theirs after that. Pop mom is gonna lose half of herself this pack is gonna go crazy I'm gonna rip apart pop I'm not ready to be the alpha we had a bunch of stuff to do before I became alpha fucking hell pop I haven't even met my mate" I said and cried

"Your my rock pop even kai knows something's wrong" I said and looked down and his hand.

"I cannot lose you not now. Not ever. But if you do decide to go. If the moon goddess decides it's your time. Then I swear on your life pop I will not rest until whoever did this to you is dead themselves" I said I got up and gave him a kiss on his forehead and walked out of the room.

'Jason and Tom I want you to get the trackers and scout the area don't want an inch of the area not looked at I want to find who ever did this to my father and when you do they are mine to deal with' I said mindlinking them

'Yes ma'am' they said I walked out of the pack house and I jumped and shifted into my wolf. I ran for what seemed like hours when I stopped by a river to drink I went behind a tree and out my clothes on. I sat by the river and looked at the moon's reflection coming off the water. I slowly started to cry.

"Please.. please moon goddess do not take my father.." I whispered as I brought my knees to my chest and cried for a few minutes.

I got up and wiped my tears and dusted off the dirt from my shorts and I heart a twig snap and I turned around.

"Who's there" i said and I flashed my eyes and growled. Then it hit me the scent that I smelled earlier vanilla and roses when it started to fade I followed it. I stopped and looked around as I backed up a little the scent got stronger I turned around and nothing was there I backed up again and ran into someone. I turned around.

"Hello mate" he said he flashed his eyes and I flashed mine

"Why are you on my land" I said

"Your land? Are you the Luna?" He said

"No I'm the alphas daughter" I said and worry flashed in his eyes and his wolf wad pacing back and forth nervous.

"What is your problem" I said he looked at me and gulped

"I know who hurt your father" he said and my heart started to pound so loud I think the whole pack heard.

"It wasn't me I promise I saw it happen. I was walking through because I came to see your dad about alpha business I'm the alpha at kenakki pack" he said

"I was walking and to my luck I smelled rogues they were going to kill me but your dad stopped them he hurt them so bad but they hurt him so much to where I knew he was dying right when I got up to go get help I smelled you you smelled amazing but I also smelled other people and I knew it had to be warriors so I looked at your dad and told him help was coming and he nodded and after that he blacked out and I put him where you could find him I smelled you getting closer so I ran because I didn't want you to think it was me who hurt your dad and decided to wait to come and do the business" he said he was telling the truth you can tell from a mile away the pain in his voice.

"Thank you" i said and he looked at me confused.

"You helped us find him if you didn't we wouldn't have so thank you" I said and I hugged him as shivers went down my body I felt his wolf relax.

"Your not angry" he said

"No your my mate you told me the truth come on I want you to meet some people" I said and he smiled we went back to the pack doctors

As we walked back we talked I found out some stuff on him and I told him some stuff his name is Lucas Jones he came from the stone pack when we got back to the pack doctors I saw my mom and she came and hugged me.

"Where have you been!?" She said and she looked at Lucas.

"Who's this" she said

"Lucas Jones. Um mom this is my mate" I said and her eyes widened and she smiled and hugged him

"Oh my god this is the second best news I've heard all day" she said

"Second?" I said and she looked at me and smiled.

"Your dad wants you" she said and smiled my wolf was yipping with joy and I ran to his room as I burst through the doors he looked at me and smiled.

"Who has two thumbs and survived" he said

"This guy" he said and chuckled and I ran to him and had tears of joy and I laughed with him.

"I'm so glad your okay pop" I said and tears came down my face.

"Hey look at me" he said and I looked him and he wiped my tears.

"I am not leaving till I see your pups and there pups after that you got that" he said and I smiled.

"You heard that" I said and he chuckled

"Every word ally girl" he said and smiled and the doors opened and I saw Lucas and I smiled.

"Right." I said and I looked at my dad and smiled as he looked at Lucas.

"Pop meet my mate" I said and he looked at me and he looked at Lucas and he growled.

Oh boy....

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