Not So Secret Stalker (a Justin Bieber love story)

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I was running, running into darkness, nowhere too go and the next thing I know I run on stage and get passed the microphone and told to sing my new hit song Boyfriend. Instead of thousands of fans cheering me, they were laughing. I wondered why and then I looked down and screamed. I was completely naked infrount of thousands of people. 

" Arrggh", I screamed and sat up in my bed with sweat running down my face. 

"It was just a dream.", I whispered to myself. I sat up and looked at the clock which said 3:29am. I have to get up in an hour to catch my plane to Australia. I relaxed back into my pillow and sighed. I kept tossing and turning but just couldn't get comfortable. I eventually gave up on trying to get back to sleep, as it was hopeless. Everytime I closed my eyes I saw my nightmare. I shuddered.

I decided to get up and have a shower since lying in bed, doing nothing was pointless. I sat on the side of my bed and put my head in my hands.

"Get it together Bieber", I repeated to myself several times.

 I got up and streched before dragging myself to the bathroom.The hot water on my back was so relaxing, but I didnt forget about the nightmare I have every night. After the shower I just shoved on some grey trackies and a black t-shirt before pouring myself a bowl of Captin Crunch cereal. 

I sat at the kitchen table and slowly ate my cereal, concentrating on everybite. I was almost finished and I heard a noise outside the kitchen door. I stood up and slowly made my way to the door, grabbing the the torch of the bench before unlocking the door. I stepped outside.

"Hello, anybody here?!", I yelled out, not really expecting anyone to answer.

I heard footsteps and slowly backed up. I could now hear running footsteps, that didn't sound like human feet. Then BAM!

I was knocked to the ground. "Nooo! Get off me!", I yelled while trying to push whoever it was off me.

Not long after mum came out.

"What's going on!", she yelled and shone the torch over at me and started laughing.

"What's so funny! I'm being attacked!" I yelled getting irritated.

Mum walked over and pulled whoever it was off of me.

"Good boy. Yes, stop attacking Justin.", Mum was saying in a baby voice.

I sat up feeling confused. I then noticed it was the neighbours dog, Ralf. I started laughing and mum passed me Ralf. She went inside and obviously back to bed. I walked Ralf back over to the fence and pushed him back through the hole he came through. I put a large pot there and went back inside. I felt like an idiot.

Okay it was now 4:34am and I have to leave at 4:45am. I've got about 10 minutes. Everything is ready to go and I have nothing to do. I flicked through the t.v channels there was nothing on, so i just pulled out a random book and started reading. 

"Huh, first book i've read in a long time", I said to myself feeling quite proud.

 I turned the book over and realised it was called 'Tomorrow when the war began' and is an Australian novel.

"What a coincidence, since i'm about to go on my Australian tour", I laughed and went right back into reading the book.

The time flyed. Before I knew it there was a knock at the door. It was time to leave, my ride to the airport was here. I quickly packed the book I was reading, because I liked it, and got in the car ready for Australia.

"Pull yourself together Justin."


Hey everyone, thanks for reading chapter one. Don't worry the book does get better. (:

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