chapter 7. Not in the mood.

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I pushed her away from me. The shock of her kissing me was overwhelming. I stared at her for a second, i'm not sure  what my expression was because I didn't know what my feelings were either. She took a step back.

"Im so sorry. I didnt mean to, um", she apologised and I cut her off.

"No I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you away like that. I, I..." , I cut my self off. I didn't want to tell her I liked her, alot. If I told her that she would know that I knew about her secretly stalking me. I didn't want her to know because if she did, she would stop and I want her to keep doing the stalking thing.

She picked up on my stutter. " You what?" she asked. Looking a bit confused, "No, you know what i'm just going to leave...", she turned around and went to walk off. I grabbed her hand and she turned around.

"I really am so sorry.", I told her. She closed her eyes for a second and I let go of her hand. She Looked up at me, nodded and left. I watched her walk away unitl I couldn't see her anymore and then I heard,

" Justin! Justin! Are you in here", everyone was looking for me, crap!

I started climbing the ladder, wishing I had left a note at least. I was going so fast that I slipped, but I grabbed on. I kept climbing and by the time I was at the 13th floor I was stuffed. I might go back to sleep after the morning i've had.

As soon as I climbed through the window my mum spotted me and called everyone over. She ran up to me and kissed me over and over, she was worried. Abbey came up and gave me the biggest hug and Kenny came up to me and looked me up and down making sure I wasn't hurt.

" Im fine guys, I just went for a walk." , I told them.

"Why? what time did you get up and why did you use the fire escape?", my mum threw all these questions at me and all I wanted to do was lay down. I was so tired.

"I woke up at about 5:10 and couldn't get back to sleep so I went out the fire escape so I could go for a walk without getting mobbed by people. Is that too much to ask?!", I answered grumpily, I was tired and irritated so I walked off to my room and slammed the door shut. I know walking away from them was stupid and so was slamming the door but I needed sleep so I just got into bed and soon enough I drifed off to sleep, ignoring all the yelling at me from the other side of the door.

I woke up about two hours later sweating from a dream I had. It wasn't the same dream I normally have, this one was about Jayde. It replayed what had happened this morning over and over untill I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and decided that a shower might be best, so I had a hot shower with barely any cold water to try and relax every tenese muscle in my body, which was pretty much all of them.

It was no surprise that as soon as I was ready to leave the room everyone was waiting for me and they all looked very annoyed. I would have to suffer the consequences now. When I opened the door I was bombbardded with question after question. I was sat down on the couch and basically interrigated. I do love these people but sometimes they get a bit, too close in my personal life. Cant an 18 year old guy walk around the streets at 6 in the morning. Obviously not.

When I was finally allowed to leave their presence, I went straight to the freezer and look for any flavour icecream. I don't know why but whenever I think of Jayde I feel sad and when I feel sad I want icecream. I found some caramel icecream right at the back  and grabbed the whole tub and a spoon and put on a movie, I didnt really care what one. What was happening to me. Im breaking down over a girl.

There was a knock at the door

"Come in if you dare.", i yelled out. Abbey alked in and sat on the end of the bed with another spoon.

"Mind if I share?", she asked and slid in under the blankets next to me. She didnt wait for an answer from me  she just started eating my icecream. It's all good though. She moved closer to me and closer, it started to creep me out. I started to ask her what she was doing but put her finger over my mouth and told me to shhh.

"Abbey, No. Bad Abbey, Bad.", I tried to tell her in the most polite way considering my brain wasn't working properly.

"Oh come on Justin, we both know you want to.", she whispered in my ear.

Damn it, not again. First with Jayde and now Abbey. She is my best friend and I don't want to make things awkward between us. She kissed me on the cheak and slowly made her wat around to my mouth. Then we kissed.

I stood up and looked at her. She had just ruined a great friendship.

"Abbey, I said no. You just ruined anything we ever had, including our friendship. You cant stay here anymore, I dont care where you go but you have to leave, now.", I told her in the nicest way I could manage and she just smiled, got up and packed up her bag. I watched as she packed her things and I showed her to the door. As she went out the door one last thing she said surprised me,

" You have to admit that our kiss was better then that Jayde girl down on the street this morning aye."

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