Dear Granny, (10/6/16)

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I want to start by saying that I love you and I miss you everyday. I hope everything is okay for you. I don't know what to expect of the afterlife, but hopefully all is well.

I'm sure you know what's been going on, so you know everything that I've dealt with. You know all the bad things as well as all the good things. You know everything that happened with mom, "Dennis", and everyone else.

Now, Bubba, Roxy, and Shamus are up there with you. I miss them too. I want to get tattoos for them too... I hope you like the one I got for you. Everyone always tells me how beautiful it is. I love it. The only regret that I have is that it's on my back, so I can't see it.

 The only regret that I have is that it's on my back, so I can't see it

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That reminds me, it's almost your birthday. Mom was gonna take me and Eddie to lunch for your birthday. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that now... She doesn't know he's a minor (but I'm sure you knew that).

I'm nervous to go see Rey too. I'm not sure what to think of him... He's basically the reason my whole life turned to shit. Because as soon as he found mom, Joe was out of the picture... I'm sure he's a good guy. He seems like a decent guy. I just don't know...

I need your help... I guess more than you've already done, and I'm sorry that I won't let you rest. First, Eddie and I both would like to thank you for helping us slow it down a bit. We need to take it slow to make it last. I wanted to ask if it's the right thing to do... Mom keeps comparing our relationships and I'm not sure what it means because as I recall, you didn't like Rey back in the day.

I just want you to please keep us strong and push us in the right direction. Also, if you could let me know that you're here supporting me, loving me, saving me I'd love that... I need to know that you're with me... This is the first time I've done something like this since you died. I feel like it's long overdue...

Oh yeah, and I want to know what you had to tell me. I woke up before you could tell me. I need to know. You looked so beautiful. You were glowing. You must've been happy about something.

Anyway, it's getting late, and I didn't get a lot of sleep last night... I'll try to make this more of a regular thing... I love you, Granny. ❤

--- J

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