Promise or No Promise

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Whiparella smiled as she knocked over Magmars' black queen piece with her white knight piece.

"Checkmate; again." She spoke proudly.

Magmar looked in disbelief as the other monsters laughed.

"You cheated again!" He said with an annoyed pout.

While the monsters laughed, Beast master looked up when he heard the sound of running footsteps. He looked into the entrance room to see Clay running to the iron doors; grabbing the handle on the left door and using all his strength to pull.

"What are you doing?" Beast master questioned; not liking where this was going.

Clay grunted and struggled as he pulled the door in.

"Promise or no promise, I can't stay here!" The knight said in fear.

Beast master gasped and turned to the other monsters.

"The knight is trying to leave!" He yelled out.

"What!?!" The others shouted.

"Stop him!" Magmar stood up.

Clay managed to open the door enough so he could squeeze through. The knight quickly but carefully tried to squeeze through the gap as the monsters ran towards him. Whiparella snapped her whips at him; but he made it through the gap and she missed him. Clay caught his breath when Burnzie and Sparkks tried to reach through the gap. The knight made a run for it across the bridge when the two large monsters started pulling the door open. Clay made it across; stopping at the gates when he saw that his vehicle was damaged and covered in a thin layer of snow.

"Come back!" Burnzie and Sparkks called out; opening the door wide enough for themselves.

Clay quickly looked for a way out as the two monsters started running across the bridge. Seeing it as the only option, Clay jumped onto the gate and started climbing. Clay only reached the top when Burnzie and Sparkks skidded into the gate. The knight quickly jumped to the other side; landing on the snow covered ground and started running. Burnzie and Sparkks watched in horror as Clay ran into the woods; knowing all too well what was waiting for him in there.

Clay did not look back as he ran through the forest; struggling with each step because of the snow. Cold winds blew at his face and armour, but he kept going; hoping he was going the right way. Clay heard howling echo around him as he ran. He fell face first into the snow; tripping over a large stick hidden under the thick layer. Clay quickly sat up to see a dozen pairs of yellow eyes staring at him through the trees. The Knight picked up the stick that tripped him for defence; mentally scalding himself for leaving his equipment back at that god forsaken castle.

The owners of the eyes emerged from the trees. Clays heart beat faster as a pack of wolves growled and gathered around Clay. The knight quickly reacted as one of them jumped and bared its fangs. Clay quickly hit the attacking animal with his makeshift weapon; sending it back into the pack. When he took another swing, one of the wolves took a bite out of the stick; pulling it out of Clays hands and tossing it aside. Clays heart rate increased as he backed into a tree; breathing heavy and visible breathes as the biggest of the wolves was about to charge and attack him.

As Clay felt his heart skip a beat, a fast blur jumped out and tackled the wolf to the ground. Clay watched as the wolves moved their attention to the attacker. The newcomer showed his face as he threw the wolf to the side. It was Jestro. Clay froze as the one who tried to attack him over a rose ran to him and stood in front of him.

"Stay behind me." Jestro instructed as the wolves prepared to attack.

Clay watched in a mix of amazement and fear as the wolves began to attack Jestro. But he fought back and stood against the predators. Clay watched the whole thing, but he was not sure what was happening. Everything was happening too fast for him to see clearly, but he heard snarls, growls and roars as they continued to fight. Clay only knew the fight was over when the animals began to retreat. Jestro threw the pack leader across the ground two meters away from himself and Clay. The wolf got back up and stared at the creature defending the unarmed knight. Jestro stared back before breathing in and letting out a deafening roar; making Clay cover his ears. The wolf knew it was defeated and retreated just as the others did.

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