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AN: Listen to the song while you read the dance part. It strangely fits as well as Tale as Old as Time


"This is insane."

Jestro washed the soap and suds out of his hair as he showered under the hot water coming down on him. Lavaria, Magmar, Beast Master and Moltor stood on the other side of the shower curtain; trying to boost Jestros confidence. But so far, it was not working.

"Tonight is a very important night for you, master." Magmar reminded. "Should be quite a show."

"Magmar; when I said that we should have a dance, I was being shy and mildly sarcastic! I didn't think Clay would actually say yes!" Jestro said as he continued to wash.

"Well, he said yes. So it's on." Moltor replied with a shrug.

Jestro turned off the water and poked his head through the curtain; showing him and his hair soaking and dripping with water.

"Guys; I'm really terrified right now!" The jester spoke in scared honesty. "What if he just rejects me if I tell him?"

"He won't." Beast Master reassured.

"Everything will go as it should; you'll see." Lavaria added with a confident tone.

Jestro took the towel on top of the curtain and wrapped it around his middle and covered himself. He pulled back the curtain and stepped out of the shower carefully.

"How's it going to go again?" He asked for a reminder.

"After we give you a makeover, you'll get dressed and go down stairs for the dance." Lavaria began to explain as she led Jestro to a chair in front of a mirror. "There will be music, beautiful candlelight provided by Flama and then when the moment is right, you confess your feelings to him."

Jestro tensed up as he sat down in the chair.

"But how will I know when to say it?" He asked nervously.

"You'll feel slightly nauseous." Magmar answered blatantly.

Jestro just moaned worriedly as Moltor put an old towel below his neck and tied it around. Lavaria put her hands on Jestros face and made him look up at her.

"Jestro; I know this is a bit scary for you. But you have to understand that if you succeed at this, everything will turn out great." She tried to reassure him.

"But it seems kinda outlandish. A knight falling for a jester." Jestro spoke pessimistically.

"Well don't think of yourself as a jester." Moltor suggested.

"Yes. Because tonight, you are not a jester." Lavaria added.

Jestro looked up at her with a confused look as she smiled at him.

"Tonight, you will be a prince." Lavaria finished.

Jestro blinked before he looked into the mirror in front of him. It was one of the few that he did not break or destroy after the curse was done. He did not like looking at himself nowadays because he thought of himself as some sort of monster; even though Lavaria and Whiparella always told him otherwise. But until Clay came, he never thought better of himself; let alone as a prince. Jestro looked down as his cheeks darkened in hue and turned dark blue.

"You really think so?" He asked meekly.

"I know so." Lavaria said as she grabbed a comb and scissors. "Now sit up straight and face forward, sweetie."

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