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Macy leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. She looked into Merloks study; seeing the other Knights and the wizard fell asleep out of exhaustion from looking for a way to rescue Clay. She looked out the window; seeing that it was already sunset. The princess knight tapped her foot as she thought about Clay. She tried not to think about it, but she could not help it. She kept thinking that Clay could be in some horrible situation in that castle. Macy looked at the sleeping occupants in the study; knowing nothing was going to be done if they stayed here.

"I can't stand it anymore." She thought as she left the study.

Macy quickly walked all the way to her room. She opened the door and began to look around for something that she needed. She opened her closet to find a large duffel bag and some weapons. The princess knight grabbed a few extra maces and put them in the bag. She grabbed some electric smoke bombs that she 'burrowed' from the palace armoury and some hair pins she could use for lock picks. Macy had a feeling that Clay was still locked up so she knew it was a necessity.


Macy quickly turned and got up when she heard Aarons' voice. He was standing there in the doorway with a confused look on his face.

"What are you doing?" The archer asked as he blinked tiredly.

Macy tried to think of an excuse, but she knew she had to tell the truth.

"I'm going to save Clay." She spoke firmly; continuing to pack her duffel bag.

"How would you? We can't even reach the castle anymore!" Aaron reminded.

"I know that! But I know there has to be another way through!"

Macy picked up the duffel bag and put it over her shoulder. She gave Aaron a stern look.

"So don't try and stop me."

Macy was about to walk out of the room and leave the palace when Aaron gently but forcefully grabbed her arm. The princess knight grunted as she pulled away.

"I said don't stop me Aaron! I'm not going to rest until Clay is free from that white haired monster!" She warned.

"Macy, I'm not trying to stop you." The archer answered. "But we can't let you go by yourself."

Macy raised an eyebrow at Aaron.

"Aaron's right."

Macy heard the deep voice of Axl behind her. See turned to see him and Lance standing in the hall; both in their armour and equipment.

"Where's Merlok?" Macy asked.

"He'd asleep in his study. We figured he needed beauty rest." Lance answered.

"We still haven't found anything that could help us." Axl spoke in disappointment.

"But we still need to try." Aaron added.

"And as much as I hate to admit it, I miss hearing Clay say' Lance; stop using your shield for a mirror and get back to training!" Lance tried to be serious.

Macy loosened up as she realised what was going on. She blinked as she looked at the three Knights.

"You want to go with me?" She questioned.

"Well we can't let you have all the fun." Lance joked.

The boys smiled at their friend as she started smiling too.

"I appreciate this, guys. Let's go save our friend." Macy was about to lead the way.

The Knights followed Macy. She knew of a way to get out of the palace without getting spotted, but the squirebots that were supposed to guard the front of the palace were asleep on the job. The Knights borrowed some hover horses from the armoury and started making their way out of town. Several towns' people saw them, but they did not pay any mind. Robin and Ava saw them from their homes. The two children both had worried looks in their eyes as they watched from their windows.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." They thought at the time.

The Knights slowed their hover horses down as they approached the forest. They knew they were getting close to the blocked path, but they planned on finding another way through. Lance was yawning as his horse went forward. He stopped when he heard the sound of a branch breaking. The rich knight looked around.

"Did you guys hear that?" He asked in an unsuspecting tone.

"Hear what?" Axl asked.

Before Lance could answer, the sound came back; louder this time. Arron and Macy heard it as well. The princess knight ordered the others to stop. Everyone stayed very still. Macy felt a cold chill in the pit of her stomach. Everyone jumped as a sinister laughed came out the trees. Macy went wide eyed when she realised what was happening.

"We're being ambushed." She thought.

Large amounts of yellow glowing eyes appeared in the bushes and among the trees as Macy ordered the others to ready their weapons. But they were ambushed from above by a group of gargoyles made of stone. More monsters made of stone attacked as the Knights tried to fight back. But they were outnumbered and over powered. Pretty soon, they were wrapped in chains and struggling against them. The monsters laughed as they watched them struggle and squirm.

"Not again!" The Knights yelled in their heads.

As they continued to struggle, two men appeared before them. They looked up and froze at the sight. One was rather normal looking and human with a worried look on his face. The other was anything but. His face was covered by his dark hood. But his eyes and mouth could be seen glowing as he smiled devilishly.

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