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Hey guys I hope u liked the last chapter sry for the shortness of it all it's surprisingly hard to write these things enjoy this next chapter :D.

I looked at Isabelle and she had the same look plastered on her face as I did. Fear. We were all looking at nothing a blank spot on the sidewalk.

Our three girls used to be right there within arms reach. How could I have let this happen was all I could think.

In sync we all ran towards that spot hoping to find some sort of clue where Ella, Beth, and Bella had all disappeared to.

We couldn't see anything but it smelled like demons and a lot of them but where could they all go in the millisecond we weren't looking at our daughters?

We all were thinking the same thing but Isabelle is the one who said it.

Damn it damn it damn it this was all she said for a minute straight until Simon went over to her and calmed her down.

Then all of a sudden I felt my feet lifted off the ground I had a seraph blade but by the time I got it out I was probably 50 some feet of the ground.

I heard Simon, Isabelle, and Jace be swept of their feet along with me and soon I saw that we were being carried by demons.

I had never seen these types of demons and by the look on the others face they hadn't either.

Then all I could see was darkness all I could hear was screams human and demon and all I could smell was demon stench then everything went black as I felt something collide with my head.

When I woke up I was still in a dark place with demons but they were completely and utterly silent.

Then all of the sudden there was a flash of green-blue light as Izzy took out her witchlight I could see everyone including an unwanted visitor.


All I could feel was rage for him as my vision turned red all I wanted was to kill him.

But I couldn't because I was bound to a chair as was everybody else including Ella,Beth, and Bella.

They all had looks of true terror on their faces and we were all just far enough not to touch.

I tried to comfort them with mouthed words but they were to terrified.

They had begged and begged for us to tell them about our "adventures" with each other.

Now they looked like they had never ever wanted to hear those stories.

Because now they no the true terrors of Sebastian who they were looking straight at.

Hello he said what a wonderful reunion, Izzy as always was the first to act she said go to hell you bastard.

I was struggling to get out of the ropes that bound me but they were to thick. Jace was doing the same thing and cursing very colorfully at the same time.

Beth was staring at Izzy in amazement she had never heard her curse the way the rest of us had.

Sebastian walked over to me and caressed my face gently.

I struggled on his grip so he held my jaw hard until you heard a crack.

I didn't dare cry out in pain so I sat there I was going to grit my teeth but I thought against it instead I clenched my fist until I could feel the blood running down my hand.

Hey guys I've totally and utterly lost all motivation to continue sorry but only gotten 4 reads and 2 of those were my sister and my best friend and they had to read it ssssoooo if u really do want me 2 write more I will but only if someone comments that they want more sssssoooo yeah

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