Going on a trip

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Hey guys this fiction is based on 'born lucky'  enjoy 🤗

"You lot get to go on you jollys and I'm stuck here with a burst colostomy bag, it's not even 9 o'clock yet!" Robyn said
"I'd rather deal with the burst colostomy bag" Ash replied
"Need I remind you how important this trip is?" Came a voice from behind. It was Connie's
"Sorry Mrs Beauchamp. I didn't mean that" Ash said
"Good. I want to see you outside at 9 on the dot with the others" she said as she left the room

9 am
Ethan, Lily and Tess are all sat in the car waiting for Ash and Connie
"You don't think Ash is in trouble do you?" Ethan says
"No. Look here he comes" Tess says as Ash approaches the car and sits in the passenger seat
"Your not going to sit here are you?" Ethan asked
"Yes. Why?" Ash replied
"I would've thought Mrs Beauchamp would be sitting there" Ethan said
"Why because she has longer legs?" Ash asked
"Because she's the boss" Lily piped up
"Id imagine this conversation is about leg room and leg room alone" Ash said hopefully
"It's brave man that puts her in the back seat" Ethan said
As he spots Connie coming towards the car
"I'm not moving" Ash said
Connie sees ash in the front and decides not to argue.
"Right everyone here?" Connie asks
"Yeah" Tess replied
"Right here's a map" Connie hands the map to Lily
"I have a sat-nav" Ethan said
"Does it have a mute button" Connie asked
"Yeah" Ethan replied
"Good. Let's go"
"Right. Allonzy" Ethan said as they set off on their journey to the hospital they were heading to help out

I know this is short but I'm kinda confused on what to do here. I'm not very good at these so let me know what you think

Ellie 💜

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