The Crash

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The team had been driving for around 20 minutes before Lily realised they had missed a turn somewhere
"Ethan, we're going the wrong way!" Lily said
"What do you mean, Lily?" Connie said
"The roads are in the wrong place. It's an old map" Tess said
"Right..." Before Connie could finish the car had been smashed into by another vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road.
Tess was the first to speak
"Everyone ok?" She asked only to get a response from Ash
"Yeah, Anyone else?" He asked
Lily begun screaming
"My leg... ahhhh my leg!!"
"It's ok Lily, it's ok" Tess sothed
"Connie and Ethan?" He asked
"I can't see Ethan. But Connie has a serious head injury and her leg and arm look trapped. There's no moving her." Tess replied
"Ethan? Ethan can you here me it's Ash?" Ash asked to try and see if Ethan could here him
"He looks like he has a serious head injury. Has anyone called in the rescue?" Ash asked Tess
"Ermm no I can't find my phone" Tess replied
"I'll do it now" he said as he pulled his phone out his pocket
"Ambulance please..."
After waiting about 15 minutes they finally heard the sirens in the distance.
Ash slowly pulled himself from the wreckage to call them over
"It's our lot. It's our lot dix" Jeff yelled as he come towards Ash
"Talk me through it mate" ash said
"Ethan he's unconscious and he has a slowing heart rate. Lily has a possible leg break. And Connies trapped also unconscious. Tess is fine just a few bruises." Ash informed him
"Ok right. You alright Tess?" Jeff shouted through
"Yeah I'm fine. But could I get some morphine through for Lily please?" Tess asked
"Coming right through now" Jeff said as he passed her the morphine through the spot ash climbed out of.
They had now been able to get Lily out safely and to the hospital with Ash in tow.
Now it was a waiting game to get Connie and Ethan out.
Tess remained in the vehicle to keep an eye on her colleagues.
"There's 15 more minutes till we can get the top off" the fireman informed Jeff
"They are bleeding out. Ethan has a possible pneumothorax we need to get them out as soon as! How about access through the front windshield?" Jeff asked hopefully
"Yep we can do that"
"Thank you" Jeff said as he walked back over to the car  "how's it looking in there Tess?" Jeff asked her
"Ethan's resp rate is dropping" she said
"Right ok. I'll be able to get in as soon as the break the windshield down. Ok. "How about Mrs B.?" He asked
"Still unconscious. She's losing a lot of blood"  Tess replied
The access through the windshield was a huge help as they were now putting Ethan on a board and getting him into the back of the ambulance... now it was just Connie.
Tess had helped get Ethan into the back of the ambulance and carried on to the ED with him.
"Connie it's Jeff. Squeeze my hand if you can here me?" Jeff held his hand in hers and felt a light squeeze."good girl. Try and open your eyes for me" Jeff said
Connies eyes began to flicker and she started to open her eyes but only to shut them as the shard of glass reflected the sunlight straight into her eyes
"J... Jeff" the clinical lead said
"I'm right here ok. We'll be getting you out soon"
"M... my hand and my leg... my head... they... t... they hurt..." she said
"It's ok. This will help" Jeff said as he pushed 5mg of morphine through "there's a doctor coming to help us now so just hang on ok?" Jeff said
Just as he said that a car pulled up revealing a certain Dr. Hanna

Ok that's chapter 2 done. Hope you guys are enjoying so far


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