Part 8

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They bring a smile to my face :)



My mind was attached to last nights events. My fingers couldn't stop but re motioning the movements against her soft skin. I sat staring at the blank canvas in front of me.

A group of us from Ward C sat in Art for an extra hour than we were meant to. The cell's pin codes were being re fixed after the storm fucked them up last night. I was hoping mine would be forgotten.

After an hour and a half all I had managed to do was draw a single red line in the middle of my page.

Fucking Art.

"Harry," The old woman who ran group therapy peered at my work, her voice in a disappointed tone. "I expected more from you."

I raised my eye brows with a smirk.

"But Flora," I whined, dragging out her name. "It's Art."

She frowned, resting her hands on her hips with a sigh.

"Mr.Styles I'm sure you're more than capable of drawing a red line."

Your lips are red lines you pruny bitch.

"Well, this is my interpretation of art." I folded my arms over, leaning back in my chair and crossing my outstretched legs over.

"Look around you." God, she was not one to leave ya alone.

I sniggered at the shitty blobs my fellow inmates had drawn on their canvases.

"Jason has extreme mental issues and he's done more than you." Her old wrinkled face looked down at me.

"I have extreme mental issues." I blankly stated.

"What? Harry no you d-"

I stuck my tongue out of my mouth, moaning and bringing my hands to my face; bending my hands as I messily dragged the brush over my face.

"Harry stop it-"

"Bhut I caaaan't! I'm pwainting like hoo asked meh toooo!"

My face pressed against my shoulder as I rolled my eyes backwards, spazzing about on my chair.

"Oh for Christ's sake." She stormed off.

I cackled, sitting up.

It was so worth getting paint all over my face.

After a few minutes of swinging back and forth, Gale appeared.


"Harry. Do your work." He narrowed his eyes at me.

How fucking dare he.

Images filled my head of my hands around his veiny neck, seeing his eyes widen as I choked all the air from his lungs.

I felt my teeth clench in pleasure.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now