Part 13

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"I uh, I really enjoyed tonight." Gale's hand grasped mine tightly as we walked the cold streets home back to his house.

"Me too." I blushed, never truly having felt anyone show any affection to me in a romantic way before.

Well, a normal romantic way.

We stopped outside the gate to his house, staring into each other's eyes.

"Do you want to come in for a drink, or do you want me to take you home?" He smiled sweetly, his blue eyes so enduring.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind a drink." I nervously began to play with my hands.

"Cool." We walked up the steps to his house.

Inside it was quite small, but quite homely.

The lounge had two dark blue sofas and a small oak table in the middle.

He shut the door behind me, telling me to make myself comfy whilst he made the drinks.

I sat down on one of the sofas, taking in my surroundings some more.

Some weird looking art pieces hung around the room, the largest above the fireplace.

A cinnamon stick air freshener was overwhelming the room-but I didn't mind it.

I couldn't get Harry out of my mind still.

Whether he was okay right now, or whether he was crying. The thought made my heart ache. It pained me to picture him laying on his bed in the darkness crying to himself. Angry and upset with me as he told me to 'come back soon' but I never did for the rest of the day. And for him craving to be held in my arms... God I was wanting to be there with him.

It was awful.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. My brain felt as if it were changed to evolve around Harry.

Although he was charged of rape and murder...I didn't look at him and think that. In fact, it was hard to believe that.

"One latte," Gale re entered the room, handing me my drink and sitting down besides me with his.

"Thanks." I mumbled, taking a short sip.

I didn't know whether it was just me, but something tasted a little off with it.

I didn't want to come across as rude, so told myself to at least drink half of it before I went home.

"So, did you tell Trish to come speak to me earlier?" His cheeks flushed a little as we made near eye contact.

"Uhm," God, this wasn't going to be awkward. "Kinda..."

What else was I meant to say? Oh yeah, I have been told I must go on this date and now I sound like a heartless bitch but that's the truth.

"Did...did you mean it? Like all of it?" He asked shyly.


"Uhm...most? What did she tell you?"

Oh Jesus.

"Well she said that you really liked me..." he trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. "And that...well you've wanted to be with me for ages..."

His eyes met mine, making my heart thump.

I nervously placed my drink down, making him do the same.

"How do you feel?" I asked quietly.

What Trish told him, I never told her to say directly to him but we had spoke about him before in such ways.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now