Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Colt walked down the streets of Plateau, a train ticket in hand and a purpose in his step. He was being crazy, and he knew it, but some things just had to be done for the sake of doing them.

“Colt, my boy! What are you doing in town this fine day?” a voice called out.

Colt groaned inwardly. Not Sam!

He turned around and plastered a smile on his face. Sam and Clark sat at their usual places, playing checkers.

“I’m catching a train outta here for a few days,” he explained.

“What’s wrong with yer ear?” Clark asked, confused.

Colt strove to keep his patience.

“He said he was catching the train outta here!” Sam told the old man.

“Oh-h. Why’s that?” Clark asked.

“I’ve got something to take to someone,” Colt said loudly.

Clark nodded. “What happened to that little lady you had with you? I saw ‘er in town about a week or so ago.”

Colt rubbed the back of his neck. “She… uh… she left.”

“She’s deaf?” Clark exclaimed. “I never would’a known it!”

“He said left! Left, you ol’ scutter!” Sam yelled.

Clark had no reason to suspect anyone else of being deaf but himself.

The train whistled, signaling the last opportunity for any passengers wanting to board.

“I gotta go, gentlemen,” Colt tipped his hat and broke out in a run down the street.

“What you gotta hoe fer? You plannin’ on plantin’ a garden where you’re goin’” Clark yelled after him before he was out of earshot.

Colt rolled his eyes and continued down to the train station.

He prayed that this whole thing would make sense to him once he got in South Carolina.


Jessie sat at the table with her mother, looking through catalogs for wedding dresses. She hadn’t been back home but for three days and the wedding preparations were already underway again. Jessie tried to make herself interested in ever detail, but in her heart, all she wanted was a preacher and a few sprigs of flowers thrown together in a bouquet. She wouldn’t even mind a courthouse wedding at the moment.

“How about daisies, darling? They are gorgeous flowers and perfect for a spring wedding,” her mother asked.

Jessie shrugged, stirring her tea lazily with her spoon and yawning.

“You don’t seem very excited for your own wedding, dear,” Momma said gently, shaking her head.

“I’m just tired, Momma,” Jessie sighed.

“Tired? Haven’t you been sleeping well?”

Jessie paused in her stirring. That was exactly what confused her. She slept fine. She hadn’t woken up once in all the nights she had been home. Yet her sleep was filled with dreams, some reliving past experiences and some just nightmares. She had remembered a little bit every night from some argument that had gone on between her and Adam. She also remembered bits and pieces of a conversation that had passed between Adam and a stranger she hadn’t seen before.

“Well, since you’re not into wedding plans, let’s focus on the engagement ball. Your new dress should be finished any day now and we have the city hall rented for the occasion. Do you prefer white tablecloths or pale blue? Since your wedding will be themed those colors I think it’s important to have the engagement ball coordinated…”

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