Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Colt stared at the house in front of him. It might as well be considered a mansion! There were two stories, and an abundance of windows on the second floor. How on earth did a family of four keep this whole place clean? Tall trees of stood on both side of the house, but didn’t seem to crowd behind the house. Maybe he should walk around to see if he could catch Jessie alone. He didn’t want her fiancé to know he was here before he had a chance to tell her why he was standing there.

He snuck back behind the house and what was behind the building stunned him even more than the front. The back entrance had a two-way brick staircase and a wide porch. A pond sat directly behind the house, giving it a more majestic feel.

However, there was no one outside.

Taking a deep breath of resignation, he walked back around to the front of the house and walked up the stairs to the white front door. With a shaking, nervous hand, he knocked on the door.

After a few moments, a short, brow haired woman who looked to be a few years older that Jessie answered the door, donned in a while apron and a plain navy dress.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

Colt took a moment to wrangle his thoughts.

“Does Jessie Steele live here?” he asked.

The woman eyed him suspiciously. “She does. Who’s asking?”

“I’m Colt Kidd.”

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she smiled. “Oh! Why didn’t you say so? Come on inside. Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?”

Colt didn’t enter the house but stood where he was. “No, thank you. I’d really like to see Miss Steele, if you don’t mind.”

The woman shook her head. “She ain’t here. She’s gone to the City Hall. I reckon you can hunt her down if you wanna.”

Colt nodded and tipped his hat to her. “Thank you, ma’am.”

The woman nodded and shot the door as Colt turned to leave. What would Jessie be doing at the City Hall? Would Adam be there? How would he react?

Colt shoved his hands in his pockets, the bag with Jessie’s dress in it hanging from his arm. He couldn’t afford to be nervous if Adam was around. There couldn’t be any inclination that he had feelings for Jessie, no matter how hard it was, he had to remain at a friendly distance and mind his manners.

The City Hall was overflowing with people when he arrived. How on earth would he find Jessie amid all this hullabaloo? Wagons and horses were everywhere around the entrance, and a slow song played from the inside.

Inching toward the door, Colt peered inside. The place was indeed a sight. Ribbons and banners hung from every surface, all in the colors white and pale blue. White tablecloths hung from the tables laden with punch and food, along with every pie known to man. There were so many people that Colt couldn’t see very well from his position.

Moving to the other side of the doorway, he looked past the cluster of people to the center of their attention. Ladies were gasping and smiling, putting gloved fingertips over their mouths as the men all guffawed and grinned from ear to ear. He’d never seen so many well-dressed people in his life. Something yellow caught his eye, then vanished. He took a step closer to the doorway and saw right to the dance floor. The band played their slow, harmonious song behind it while a couple danced alone in the center of the dance floor.

He recognized the man right away. Adam, the dreaded fiancé.

However, he wasn’t able to dwell on the man too long as that familiar sweet face came into view. She was a sight for sore eyes. Hardly recognizable with her hair all done up and a pretty glow all over her face, Jessie moved about the room with the elegance and grace that Colt had never had the privilege of seeing before. She wore a bright yellow dress, with all the ruffles and lace that she could possibly desire, and lace gloves that came up past her elbow. Her copper hair was pulled back away from her face in some fancy fashion, but Colt decided that he liked it best loose and free around her shoulders. Still, she had to be the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Only then did he realize how much his heart ached for her. He had never felt any emotion with the intensity that he longed for Jessie Steele.

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