Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Jessie wiped tears from her cheeks as she entered her house later that night. She was so emotionally drained that she had walked home alone, something she would have never done before.

Susie, the maid, was dusting the living room when Jessie entered the house.

“Miss Jessie! What in tarnation are you doin’ here? Why are you crying? Sugar, you better hop right along back to that ball of yours before your momma comes up in here to tan your hide.”

“There is no ball. There’s just people dancing. There is no engagement,” Jessie collapsed against the wall as she ended her words with a sob, trying to suppress it by clamping her hand over her mouth.

“What are you talkin’ about, honey? No engagement? Don’t tell me he ended it.” Susie crouched down beside her.

Jessie shook her head. “No, I did.”

Susie sighed. “Thank goodness. I was hoping that would happen. I never trusted him. I’m glad you came to your senses. But why are ya so upset? You’re rid of that man!”

“What if I was wrong?” Jessie sobbed. “What if he really loves me and he never meant to lie?”

“Oh, don’t you dare go crawling back to him. I refuse to allow it. He don’t deserve you,” Susie scolded.

Jessie shook her head and sniffled as if she hadn‘t heard the words. “What am I supposed to do now? All of this money gone to waste.”

“Gone to waste? Listen to me, honey. We both know who you really fancy. And it’s not that sheriff. That man came by here earlier today to drop off something for you. Now, it seems to me that if a man comes all the way from Arizona to return a faded blue dress…”

“Colt was here?” Jessie interrupted.

“Yes, he brought a dress. It’s laid out on your bed,” Susie told her.

Jessie jumped up, gathered her bright yellow skirts, and rushed for the stairs up to her room.

Once at the top of the stairs, she entered her room. There, laid out on the pastel quilt, was her unruffled dark blue dress, just as she had left it. A new set of tears began making their way down her cheeks as she caressed the coarse fabric with her fingertips. So many memories sprang back into her mind as she gazed at the dress, unsure of how to react.

Then, it hit her.

If Colt had brought this by her house today, then he must still be in town!

She turned and rushed back down the stairs, calling Susie’s name.

“What in the name of thunder is wrong with you?” Her brother stood at the end of the stairs, his arms crossed and his stance impatient.

Jessie didn’t take time for details. “I can’t explain it all right now. Someone is in town that I must see. Susie!”

The maid came from the parlor. “Yes, ma’am?”

“Did Colt say if he was leaving today or not?” Jessie asked.

“He didn’t say. I’d imagine he’d be staying in the Anderson hotel, though,” Susie explained.

“Colt? That cowboy? What is he doing here?” Jake demanded.

“Susie, explain it to him. I’ve got to find him,” Jessie called over her shoulder as she hiked up her skirts a modest length and made her way down the hall back to the front door.

She walked elegantly until she was out of view of the house, then she broke out in a run. There was no way she could miss Colt. Not when she needed him this much.

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