Chapter 10 The underworld

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(Third person view)

In the entrance of the underworld


As lucifer and winter enter the underworld

Lucifer wanted to show her the underworld but winter fell asleep in the way there

As the skulls and the demons noticed the presence of the demon lord was back home and has brought a small child with him everyone was curious about the child and were questioning why the lord had a child with him if only the lord was supposed to come back with his mate by his side only and only then was he supposed to come back , but instead he came back with a child in his arms that only looked as though she was ( i forgot the age i put her in ) 5 years old 

As lucifer brought winter to his room so that she can sleep better , winter moved a little and woke up, lucifer didn't want her to wake up yet so he told her to sleep


( view of the underworld)

The underworld is a dark scary place but to the people or rather to the skulls and the demons it was normal and it was well home for them

( sorry on with the description)

As i was saying the buildings was made out of some kind of rock that was very powerful so that i would hold any kind of attack that was not from the underworld , the land would go on and on with dark land that almost looked black that you couldn't' compare it with anything that you could possibly be possible to compare to the underworld


Well i'm just going to leave it like that sorry i have a lot of home work to do i'm just a high school student  and so this had to end short sorry i'm truly sorry

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