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A/N: I may just write in Jake's pov once because I feel like it's hard for me. But the rest will be just Eli. And yikes just saying, Eclare may be in here but this is about Jeli sO stay with mE


I wake up groaning in pain as I feel my arm completely numb. I then realized that the feeling was just a dark haired boy laying on my now sleeve-less arm, that was supposed to be covered in flannel. I will admit, he looks damn ho-good in that flannel.
Okay wait-no-I can't think that-He didn't stop me from kissing his forehead so.. what the hell does this mean? Katie will definitely kill me. I unconsciously rolled my eyes when I heard Katie's ringtone. Speak of the devil

I felt Eli move against me and turn over to face me.

"Katie?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"I came over last night and you weren't there and Clare didn't know either. Where are you?"

"I was- I slept over at Eli's."

"Oh. Well can you come over soon?"

I squinted my eyes and read the clock. "Yeah. I will be over in a couple minutes."

"Okay. Tell Eli that he needs to answer the damn phone as well."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay Katie, love you. Bye."

I then turned around to see Eli staring right at me and he gave me a confused look.

"Who was that?" He yawned.

"Uh it was Katie. She wants me to come over."

His bangs were falling over his eyes, hiding his green orbs. "Katie also said you should answer your calls or something.." I said as I brought my hand up to brush his bangs across his face. I saw his face soften by the feeling.

"Yeah, I think Clare called me last night. You can leave, I'm fine okay?" He said, getting up and walking into the bathroom.

I sighed in disappointment, hoping he was just lying to me and I could maybe stay a bit longer.

I followed him to the bathroom but he shut the door on me, so I twisted the door knob to see him shirtless and about to get into the shower.

"What, Jake?" He groaned.

I opened my mouth but couldn't seem to form sentences as he just stood there looking like tha-

"Jake get out please!" He said so harshly, throwing my flannel at my face. I almost gasped out loud. He then pushed me out. He must of noticed I was staring. God damn.



I felt a slight feeling of guilt in my stomach, forming a ache in my body as I pushed Jake out the bathroom door. It wasn't his fault I was a mess. I should've apologized before I heard the front door close with a harsh slamming noise. Even though I was still in a pit of darkness in my room, I still felt some sort of light in my bones-

I was interrupted by my thoughts as I heard someone knocking at the door. It can't be Jake.. right?

I opened the door to see Clare, with her arms crossed and she was looking down before she saw my face and she lighted up immediately. I could tell she wanted to hug me but she held herself back.



I closed the door and stood next to her, feeling almost too cold when I felt the light breeze of the cold air hit my skin and I shivered.

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