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A/N: I am feeling sad right now and I felt like writing so, sorry if this is sucky. And yes I will try to write in third person now.


Seriously what did he just do? Eli Goldsworthy, making more and more mistakes every two seconds. Jake wasn't the problem, he was. He doesn't even even blame Clare for leaving him. He was such a mess. He could tell Jake was as disillusioned with the meaning of life as he was, but he would never say it out loud. He thought he would never find someone to heal him, be he had.
Maybe Jake didn't need healing himself but, He had waiting exactly 54 minutes, 72 hours and 8 seconds, for Jake to come running into his darkened room saying he needed him as much as Eli needed Jake. During those hours and minutes Eli had called Jake, begging for forgiveness, but Jake wouldn't budge. Jake didn't answer but still texted saying he was sorry for being so hard on him during his time in need. What do I even need anymore? Eli thought. If Jake wasn't in the picture than what did he need? Nothing else of course. But since Jake didn't know that, Eli would have to tell Jake himself. Making his way downstairs he grabbed his bike and rode over to Jake's..aka his girlfriends house which wasn't the best idea but he decided to go for it. Knocking on the door with pride was not like him so of course, he slouched and knocked on the door so softly that only he could hear it. No one answered so he knocked a bit louder, the door opened to reveal Clare..Clare? Where's Jake? 

"Eli?" she said dryly.

"Hi I just wanted to see Jake I swear, I'm giving you space. Okay? Where is he?" 

"Um he's out with Katie..are you okay?" She asked, grabbing his hands.

"No I'm not-I-i need Jake." And once he said that, Clare felt.. like he didn't need her. So she let go of his hands and told him to wait for Jake to come back, sitting next to him on the couch awkwardly.


She glared at him intensely, "What?"

"I still love you..this is all just really confusing"

"What do you mean?" Clare asked as the door opened slowly but Eli didn't notice.

"I think I like Jake-" He then turned around to see him standing in front of the door, eyes widened and heart  racing.

"I didn't know you felt that way.." Jake said, rolling his tongue.

Clare stood in front of me and took his hands. "I love you too Eli, so much. And if you like Jake.. that's okay..but just do what makes you happy okay?" She then kissed the corner of his mouth and he kissed her back on the mouth, as if it was their last and only kiss. This was too fucking hard, Eli thought. Clare didn't deserve this shit. Neither did Jake.

He pulled back from Clare and stood up. "Okay..this isn't fair for both of you but, maybe i could um- you know- like just-"

"Spit it out bud." Jake stuttered.

"Maybe I can kiss Jake and see if i- you know, liked it?"

Jake laughed wryly, "Sounds fine." Then Clare said,  "Well he is a bad kisser so-"

"Wait what? I'm a bad kisser? Speak for yourself sister." He said back at her jokingly

Eli laughed. He laughed because he couldn't believe he was doing this. Bringing them both into this shit just because he didn't know who he was. For the love of everything human, why does he want to know who he is?

Jake slowly walked over to Eli and quickly grabbed his soft face, and my god was he perfection. Eli's skin was so so soft..but no he didn't like Eli did he? Maybe he did..

They kissed. But it was soft and gentle. Although if Clare wasn't in the room it would've been the opposite. Jake pulled away slowly and watched Eli's eyes flutter open.

"How was that?" Jake whispers. And Eli just shakes uncontrollably beneath him. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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