Choice 2: Fall

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I-I don't wanna do this. I let go of the ledge but Yukari is still holding onto me. "You really think you can escape by falling?" He says.

"Try me." I say as I break away from his grip and fall back. Yukari tries to grab my hand again but he is too late.

My body is calm and collected as it falls down and down, it seems like I will fall forever. Please, someone help me.

"Hold on Y/n!" I hear someone yell from below. "Huh?"

I then see someone jump from the lower level's balcony, they jump off of it, and catch me.

"Hey Y/n." They say. "Tatara! You always got my back." I praise him. "Well let's..."

"Uh... Totsuka?"


"What's our landing strategy?" I ask. His eyes widen. "Uh oh." We then hold on to each other excepting our fate.


Game over


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