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"Neko's been kidnapped!" I yell as I walk into the bar. "What? What happened?!" Shiro asks as he runs to me.

"We were running from the greens and they caught her!" I state. "And they said the only way they'd give Neko back is if Y/n turns herself in." Munakata says as he walks in.

"F#ck that! We'll get Neko back without handing Y/n over to them!" Yata yells. Damn, what can I do? Well all I can do know is plan out an attack and destroy the greens for taking Neko! (I don't know why I wrote this paragraph while saying it in Stewie griffen's voice :/)

      "We're gonna get her back, and we are not handing you over." Mikoto comes up to me. "Don't worry Y/n, we'll think of a plan," Kusanagi comes up and pats my shoulder.

       "Neko... what are they doing to you?"

Neko' POV

      Huh? Where am I? I wake up in a dark dark room, not much light. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you if Y/n decides to trade herself for you." I hear a voice say in the darkness.

      I get in all fours and hiss at the voice. "You meanie! Don't you hurt Y/n!" I keep hissing. The voice chuckles. "Stupid cat." They then walk out. Y/n, help me...

Heart of fire (K project x reader) SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now