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Maggie POV

Today was the lovely ass day where I get to beat the shit out of Stassie Hoe. Oh lord I am excited!

I was wearing some high waisted shorts and crop top, not anything fancy. My hair was in a high ponytail. I was waiting at the beach with Hailey, Sammy, Tez, Gilinsky, Nate and Johnson.

"Where the fuck is this hoe so i can beat her ass!" I say frustrated.

"Baby calm down, are you sure you wanna fight?" He said pulling me closer to him

"Yes, I've been waiting for too long."

"HEY BITCH IM HERE" a squeaking bitchass voice called, I already know it's Stass. She's got Madison and Dillion there. Ha weak. Poor Rupp. I walk up and hug Dillion because he's my bestie. And just stand in front of Stass. I look her up and down, my glasses were resting on the bridge of my nose.

I gave my glasses to Tez. And then Stassie flicked my cheek. Oh I see, she be testing me.

I just slapped her and grabbed her wire like hair and pulled it towards the ground. I straddled her and started throwing punches, she screamed and it was music to my motherfucking ears hoe. I stood up and kicked her. It weren't that hard.

"He's mine, mkay? Mkay." I whispered in her ear and walked away to my car and went the fuck back home. My hand was bleeding a bit but it was alright.


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