Chapter One: The beginning

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( sorry guys we decided to revise these​ chapters​ cause I basically just ruined the whole story please don't kill me. Love y'all!!

- Caitlyn/Opal )

Caitlyn's P.O.V

When I was little I was always experiencing weird things like hearing a butterfly flapping its wings when it was across the playground, smelling food in the cafeteria even though I was in the other buildings I was the fastest person in the little town that I grew up in.
But that was when I was little. Now I live in the city. I'm in seventh grade. I'm thirteen and I'm so confused. Being a werewolf is really hard. My wolf she is a pain in the ass.

Hey I heard that!!

But I love her.

Yeah you better!

Her name is Opal. Her name is so pretty and unique that I decide that when I grow up I will name my first born daughter after her.

Yay baby Opal!!

When I turned thirteen my eyes changed colors. My wolf eyes would usually be like a golden color, but now they're white. And no I haven't had me first turn. Apparently you have your first turn when your somewhat thirteen. And I think I'm about near to have my first turn. I have this wierd feeling in my hands and all over my body, I'm getting fevers everyday and my whole body aches, but let's not get off topic. Let's start on what's happening now.
It's a week before school ends, feels just like a regular Thursday. Third period is my least favorite period, but yet I still go to this class. We're watching a movie but don't care about it much so I don't know what it is that we're watching. I think it has to do with something about football. So anywho,
I'm on my phone cause my dumb teacher let's us get on our phones when we're watching a movie.


All of a sudden I feel a stinging pain on my left cheek. I turned around and I see a prick of an idiot named Jayden Peralez holding a a white dirty towel in his hands. He smacked me with it. I could feel my blood boiling. My face was heated.

Rip his head off!!!

Are you crazy!!!

The idiot hit us!!!

Doesn't mean we can kill him.


There you go. Good girl!!!

Shut up.

Okay. Dang.

I start crying because that is what I do when I'm mad. I text my mom to come pick me up so that I won't start growling really loud and kill the dude I take out my phone and see in the reflection my eyes are turning white. Opal is on the verge of coming out. I know I haven't had my first shift but Opal can still come to the surface and take control of my body. I would just say be lucky that she hasn't taken control of my body, and trust me if she does you do not want to be there.

I can still feel the pain on my cheek.

The bell rings for the dismissal of third period. Which means I'm stuck in the same class room for fourth and fifth period. Mr. Clarson my ELA teacher. Yay ELA!!! Note the sarcasm. I'm five minutes into class and the attendance office calls my teacher telling him that I'm going home. I picked up my stuff and head to the front office. I tell the lady who I am and she says that my mom is at the VPO ( Vice Principal's​ Office) and walk into the VPO and Mr. Sizemore starts asking me questions.

Well this is gonna be a long couple of hours.
Now my mom is dropping me off at my grandmas' house. After the talk with the vice principal my mom made a police report. So now she's dropping me off at my grandma's. I open the door and hop out of the car and a scent catches my attention I've smelled this before, the smell of other wolves, and they are in a pack cause they don't have disgusting smell to the scent.

This scares me because what if they catch my scent. I don't know what they would do to me. So I tell Opal to hide our scent. Yes I can hide my scent. I've gotten really good at this. I've been doing it for a while, I think for eight years now. I know, a long time.

So I hurry up in to the house and relax. I get comfy and my grandma tells me to get ready because we are going Subway.

Subway is like heaven for my taste buds my favorite is a foot long Italian bread with tuna, American cheese, and pickles. Great now I'm hungry, good thing that I'm going to Subway.

If you don't like Subway something is wrong with you!!
After the whole day I crawl in my bed, get all wrapped in blankets, and once my head hits the pillow I'm knocked out.

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